Pynchon, Thomas (1937- Pynchon,Thomas(1937Americannovelist,knownforhisexperimentalwritingtechniquesthatinvolveextremelycomplicatedplotsandthemes.Hismostfamousnovel,Gravity’sRainbow(1973),wontheNationalBookAward.)Life •PynchonwasbornonLongIsland,NewYork.HestudiedengineeringatCornellUniversity,lefttoserveintheUnited...
Noun 1. Thomas Pynchon - United States writer of pessimistic novels about life in a technologically advanced society (born in 1937) Pynchon Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.Want...
Thomas Pynchon's biographyThe Crying of Lot 49 (1966) and Gravity's Rainbow (1973Pynchon's first novel ‐ V., opening on Christmas Eve, 1955Gravity's Rainbow (1973) ‐ rockets becoming central to Pynchon's focusPynchon's 1966 novel ‐ allusions to myriad explanations and revelations as Oed...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook Pyn·chon (pĭn′chən),Thomas RugglesBorn 1937. American writer whose novels, such asGravity's Rainbow(1973), often depict individuals struggling against shadowy technocratic forces. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright...
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Thomas Pynchon(born May 8, 1937, Glen Cove,Long Island,New York, U.S.) is an American novelist and short-story writer whose works combineblack humourand fantasy to depict human alienation in thechaosof modern society. After earning a B.A. in English fromCornell Universityin 1958, Pynchon ...
Articles, profiles, essays, and news on American novelist Thomas Pynchon, cover art for his novels over the years, and much more. The best online resource for all things Thomas Pynchon.
pynchon 美 英 un.品钦(Thomas,1937—,美国黑色幽默派小说家) 网络品琼;恩庄;品清 英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 品钦(Thomas,1937—,美国黑色幽默派小说家) 释义: 全部,品琼,恩庄,品清
Thomas Pynchon. Sceneggiatura: Vizio di forma. Thomas Pynchon è nato l'8 maggio 1937. Luogo di nascita: Usa. È conosciuto come sceneggiatore e attore. È celebre per aver partecipato a Vizio di forma (2014), Prüfstand VII (2002) e Thomas Pynchon:
The PynchonWiki is a literature wiki exploring the novels of Thomas Pynchon - V., The Crying of Lot 49, Gravity's Rainbow, Vineland, Mason & Dixon, and Against the Day. The wikis contain page-by-page annotations, alphabetical indexes of characters and ev