Bands of uskoks fought a fairly successful guerrilla war against the Ottomans, as they formed small units and rowed swift boats. Wikipedia entry Utahan 485; a person from Utah; Uyghur 440; a Turkic language spoken by the Uyghur people in Xinjiang (also called East Turkestan or Uyghurist...
当当瑞雅图书专营店在线销售正版《英文原版 Against the Day 抵抗白昼 托马斯·品钦 英文版 Thomas Pynchon 进口英语原版书籍》。最新《英文原版 Against the Day 抵抗白昼 托马斯·品钦 英文版 Thomas Pynchon 进口英语原版书籍》简介、书评、试读、价格、图片等相关信息,
Thomas Pynchon's 2006 novel "Against the Day," which runs from the Chicago World's Fair of 1893 through the First World War, contains a preponderance of references to late-Victorian and Edwardian hyper-spatial hypotheses. From 1880 to 1910, the concept of the "fourth dimension" appeared in ...
作者:Thomas Pynchon 书名:Against the Day《抵抗白昼》 英文简介:Spanning the period between the Chicago World's Fair of 1893 and the years just after World War I, this novel moves from the labor troubles in Colorado to turn-of-the-century New York, to London and Gottingen, Venice and Vienna...
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The Ten-day MBA -A Step-by-step Guide to Mastering the Skills Taught in America´s Top Business Schools, Revised Edition 热度: 320AgainsttheDay ALSOBYTHOMASPYNCHONSlowLearner V. TheCryingofLot49 Gravity’sRainbow Vineland Mason&Dixon
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the experience of reading the novel. There's no question that the book is written by an exceedingly intelligent, talented writer; there's also no question that it's indulgent and maniacally out of control. (...) But ifAgainst the Dayis the most infuriating novel I've read in a year, ...
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