importfitz# PyMuPDF# 创建一个新的 PDF 文档 添加一页page=pdf_document.new_page()# 在页面中添加文本text="Hello, World!"text_position=(50,50)# 文本起始位置page.insert_text(text_position,text,fontsize=24)# 绘制一个矩形rectangle=fitz.Rect(50,100,200,150)page.draw_...
""" shape = page.new_shape() # create Shape for i in range(len(CELLS[0])): shape.draw_rect(CELLS[0][i]) # draw rectangle shape.insert_textbox( CELLS[0][i], text[i], fontname="hebo", color=blue, rotate=90 * i ) shape.finish(width=0.3, color=red, fill=gold) shape....
clip (rect-like)– restrict extracted text to this rectangle. If None, the full page is taken. Has no effect for options “html”, “xhtml” and “xml”. (New in v1.17.7) flags (int)– indicator bits to control whether to include images or how text should be handled with respect ...
[0])): shape.draw_rect(CELLS[0][i]) # draw rectangle shape.insert_textbox( CELLS[0][i], text[i], fontname="hebo", color=blue, rotate=90 * i ) shape.finish(width=0.3, color=red, fill=gold) shape.commit() # write all stuff to the page doc.ez_save(__file__.replace("....
(sin_points, cos_points)) # let it look a little nicer annot.set_border(width=0.3, dashes=[1,]) # line thickness, some dashing annot.set_colors(stroke=(0,0,1)) # make the lines blue annot.update() # update the appearance page.draw_rect(rect, width=0.3) # only to demonstrate ...
draw(dev, matrix=None) 将由准备的内容部分写入页面。 Parameters: dev– 由dev = writer.begin_page(mediabox)创建的 Device。该设备知道如何调用所有写入内容所需的 MuPDF 函数。 matrix(matrix_like) – 用于在写入页面时转换内容的矩阵。例如,可以写入旋转文本的示例。默认情况下不进行转换(即 ...
这是代码:import fitz doc ="/Users/khaylablack/Desktop/participant_certificate.pdf") page = doc[0] # choose some pagerect = fitz.Rect(50, 100, 200, 200) # rectangle (left, top, right, bottom) in pixelstext = "absolutely not"rc = page.insertTextbox(rect, text, font...
(sin_points, cos_points)) # let it look a little nicer annot.set_border(width=0.3, dashes=[1,]) # line thickness, some dashing annot.set_colors(stroke=(0,0,1)) # make the lines blue annot.update() # update the appearance page.draw_rect(rect, width=0.3) # only to demonstrate ...
Description of the bug Having a document with pages of a different height I try to create a link from a rectangle on one page to a rectangle on another. When links are created to places on pages of equal heights, all works fine. When lin...