The Python wrapper is subject to MIT license. Installation pip install numpy Cython pip install -U pymrmr This package needs to be compiled with gcc and g++. On macOS you might need to setup the appropriate environment variables before installation. E.g., if you installed gcc-10 through Home...
Python(>=3.6.0) Cython(>=0.29.12) numpy(>=1.16.4) pandas(>=0.25.0) Installation pip install Pymrmre Insturctions Two primary functions are provided in this package currently: mrmr_ensemble: It provides the ensemble (multiple) solutions of feature selection given the input of feature dataset...
Installation of the package is successful. However, During the call mRMR(df1, 'MIQ', 10) kernel getting restarted. I appreciate your help. ! pip install numpy Cython ! pip install pymrmr Requirement already satisfied: numpyin/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (1.19.5) Requirement already...