for u in db.users.find().sort([("age", pymongo.DESCENDING)]): print u # select * from 集合名 order by 键1 desc for u in db.users.find().sort([("键1", pymongo.ASCENDING), ("键2", pymongo.DESCENDING)]): print u # select * from 集合名 order by 键1 asc, 键2 desc for ...
pymongo.ASCENDING#也可以用 1 来代替pymongo.DESCENDING#也可以用 -1 来代替foruindb.users.find().sort([("age", pymongo.ASCENDING)]):printu#select * from 集合名 order by 键1foruindb.users.find().sort([("age", pymongo.DESCENDING)]):printu#select * from 集合名 order by 键1 descforuin...
order by nameDESCb)myColl.find().sort([{'name':pymongo.DESEDING',{'age':pymongo.DESEDING'}])i)对查询结果排序,指定排序方向为 降序,默认为升序。 先按照name字段排序,在按照age字段排序 ii)相当于sql:select*frommyColl order by name DESC,ageDESCDESC关键字只适用于 DESC前面的字段,需要的话,可以...
db.users.find_one({'name' : 'xiaoming'}) # 单个对象 db.users.find({'age' : 18}) # 所有对象 db.users.find({'id':64}, {'age':1,'_id':0}) # 返回一些字段 默认_id总是返回的 0不返回 1返回 db.users.find({}).sort({'age': 1}) # 排序 db.users.find({}).skip(2).limi...
searchRes = db_coll.find(queryArgs, projection = projectionFields) topSearchRes = searchRes.sort('sales',pymongo.DESCENDING).limit(100) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 排序:sort # 示例二:按sales降序,rank升序 # select _id,key,date,rank from galance20170801 where key = 'speakers' order by sales ...
使用djongo和pymongo的django mongodb连接使用pymongo运行多个update语句时,有时MongoDB不会更新如何使用distinct和group with sql语句在MongoDB中组合使用find和$groupMongoDB (pymongo) $avg和$stdDevPop不能在$project中工作,但它们能在$group中完美工作使用GROUP_CONCAT和BIND生成单条语句尝试使用group by和...
the problem is one you might be able to solve—maybe you typed the address wrong, or maybe yo...
使用pymongo中的find_one_and_update出错:需要分片键 - 错误信息如下: File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pymongo\", line 155, in _check_command_response ...
1002 Find Common Characters Rust 1006 Clumsy Factorial Rust 1018 Binary Prefix Divisible By 5 Rust 1030 Matrix Cells in Distance Order Rust 1038 Binary Search Tree to Greater Sum Tree Python 1046 Last Stone Weight Python 1049 Last Stone Weight II Python 0-1背包问题 ... #!/usr/bin/python from pymongo import MongoClient client = MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017/') with client: db = client.testdb cars = for car in cars: print('{0} {1}'.format(car['name'], car['price'])) ...