app = dash.Dash(__name__, assets_folder=resource_path('assets')) 所以唯一的区别是输入“assets_folder”而不是“assets_url_path”,它似乎适用于 --onefile!
payload = {'action':'dashboard.php','email':'','password':'abc123-pass'} Run Code Online (Sandbox Code Playgroud) 我需要将它们更改为变量,并在执行 exe 时从配置文件中读取它们。 pythonpostexepyinstallerpython-requests dic*_*ers ...
pyinstaller回车即可。 pip自动联网安装简单使用(cmd命令行)pyinstaller-F<文件名.py>;简单使用常用参数参数描述-h查看帮助--clean清理打包过程中的临时文件-D,--onedir默认值,生产dist文件夹-F,--onefile在dist文件夹中只生成独立的打包文件-i<图片文件名.ico>; 指定打包程序使用的图标 ...
@rokmCan you please clarify: does this mean an exe made on a Windows 10 machine with Python 3.9 and the --onefile option can not work on Windows 7? Yes, that's exactly what it means. The python shared library (which PyInstaller takes from your build system's python installation and use...