-F 文件名(带后缀py): pyinstaller -F test.py 注意如果有引用第三方库的话,这种方法打包的exe...
python console是一个python交互式解释器,用于运行python代码,例如:
[PyInstaller] Re: NameError: name 'defaultParams' is not definedbwoodsend [PyInstaller] Re: NameError: name 'defaultParams' is not definedmin...@gmail.com [PyInstaller] Exe not creating.Sean Wittler [PyInstaller] Pyinstaller fails to create EXESean Wittler ...
转化要使用python转换为exe可执行文件的库,一个是py2exe,另外一个就是PyInstaller。 py2exe: 打包好的exe只能在相同的系统下运行,比如你在XP系统用py2exe打包好的exe只能在XP上运行,在win7上肯定有问题,而且也是存在在别的XP机子上也可能不能运行,因为一些别的机子可能会缺少dll文件; 打包的文件也需要打包同exe...
My pyinstaller is unable to open the exe file after creating itAsk Question Asked 5 months ago Modified 5 months ago Viewed 16 times 0 Exception: Unable to access file 'C:\Users\ayush\dist\Keylogger.exe': [Errno 22] Invalid argument: 'C:\Users\ayush\dist\Keylogger.exe'enter ...
使用PyInstaller将.py文件打包成exe可执行程序 介绍PyInstaller是一个非常简单的打包python的py文件的库。官方文档:传送门。PyInstaller其实就是把python解析器和你自己的脚本打包成一个可执行的文件,和编译成真正的机器码完全是两回事,所以千万不要指望成打包成一个可执行文件会提高运行效率,相反可能会降低运行效率,...
问题3: 运行打包后的exe文件,出现以下问题: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'PyQt5.sip' a known bug due to sip now being installed separately. https://github.com/pyinstaller/pyinstaller/issues/3630 Upon creating the installer I added the line: --hidden-import PyQt5.sip 分类: Installer ...
>>> I believe that 'options' is for Python runtime, not for PyInstaller >>> command line. You need to generate a .spec file that aggregates the >>> binaries into the EXE phase. The easiest way to do that is >>> >>> > pyinstaller --onefile myscript.py ...
--three / --two Use Python 3/2 when creating virtualenv. --clear Clears caches (pipenv, pip, and pip-tools). [env var: PIPENV_CLEAR] -v, --verbose Verbose mode. --pypi-mirror TEXT Specify a PyPI mirror. --version Show the version and exit. ...
I am not sure if you mean I should just create an executable withprint("hello world")or one with import cupy as well. Sorry I did not mentioned this before but creating executables without the cupy seems to be ok. I only get the error when I use cupy. This is the link to the fol...