(删除中文注释,路径中不包含中文,cmd中输入chcp 65001后执行)3、py文件依赖包为psycopg2、tkinter、random 问题描述:在python3.6,window7环境的cmd里,执行了pyinstaller -F -w judge_samples.py后报错 下面为错误代码截图 https://segmentfault.com/q/1010000014381733 2018-04-14T14:43:07+08:00 2018-04-14T14...
Fix ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'ipaddress' for any application built with Python >=3.11.4. (:issue:`7692`) Fix splash-enabled program crashing due to NULL-pointer dereference in the bootloader when the Tcl/Tk shared libraries cannot be loaded. The program should now run the...
245918 WARNING: Hidden import "psycopg2" not found! 250113 WARNING: Hidden import "sqlalchemy.sql.functions.func" not found! 250158 INFO: Import to be excluded not found: 'sqlalchemy.testing' 250158 INFO: Loading module hook "hook-PyQt4.QtCore.py"... ...
打包python脚本为exe的坎坷经历, by pyinstaller方法 又应验了那句歌词. 不经历风雨, 怎么见得了彩虹. 安装过程略去不提, 仅提示: pip install pyinstaller 打包指令 粗看包里的文档, 然后开始打包: 1. 打开console 2. 就用了这个命令:
我的安装包是pyinstaller3.4,python版本是3.8,后来我在pycharm里面下载了pyinstaller,步骤如下 ...
Deleted the setup.py and recreated the virtualenv and I saw something no module found in the logs. venv) PS C:\Users\Dell\Desktop\Mailer> pyinstaller --clean a.spec 273 INFO: PyInstaller: 4.0.dev0 273 INFO: Python: 3.6.8 274 INFO: Platform: Windows-10-10.0.17763-SP0 279 INFO: UPX...