(1) python - Multiple Hidden Imports in Pyinstaller - Stack Overflow. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67661226/multiple-hidden-imports-in-pyinstaller. (2) Using PyInstaller — PyInstaller 6.3.0 documentation. https://pyinstaller.org/en/stable/usage.html. (3) python - How to properly create ...
hiddenimports = [] datas += collect_data_files('openvino') binaries += collect_dynamic_libs('openvino') hiddenimports += collect_submodules('openvino') a = Analysis( ['server.py'], pathex=[], binaries=binaries, datas=datas, hiddenimports=hiddenimports, hookspath=[], hooksconfig={}, run...
multiple times.-pDIR,--pathsDIRApath to searchforimports(like usingPYTHONPATH).Multiple paths are allowed,separated by':',or usethisoption multiple times--hidden-importMODULENAME,--hiddenimportMODULENAMEName animportnot visibleinthe codeofthescript(s).This option can be used multiple times.--add...
help="A path to search for imports (like using PYTHONPATH). Multiple paths are allowed, separated by ``%s``,""or use this option multiple times. Equivalent to supplying the ``pathex`` argument in the spec file."%repr(os.pathsep), ) g.add_argument('--hidden-import','--hiddenimpor...
你可以在.spec文件中添加hiddenimports字段,列出所有需要手动打包的依赖库。同样,你可以利用文心快码(Comate)的代码管理功能,高效地编辑和保存这些配置文件。 二、移植出错问题 即使成功打包了PyQt5程序,但在不同的操作系统或平台上运行时,仍然可能出现移植出错的问题。这通常是因为不同平台对动态链接库的处理方式不同...
a = Analysis(['ProcessSpreadsheet.py'], pathex=['C:\\Python27\\Scripts', '~/.wine/drive_c/Python27/Lib/site-packages'], binaries=None, datas=None, hiddenimports=[], hookspath=[], runtime_hooks=[], excludes=[], win_no_prefer_redirects=False, win_private_assemblies=False, ...
usage: pyinstaller [-h] [-v] [-D] [-F] [--specpath DIR] [-n NAME] [--add-data <SRC;DEST or SRC:DEST>] [--add-binary <SRC;DEST or SRC:DEST>] [-p DIR] [--hidden-import MODULENAME] [--additional-hooks-dir HOOKSPATH] [--runtime-hook RUNTIME_HOOKS] [--exclude-module ...
-p DIR, --paths DIR A path to search for imports (like using PYTHONPATH). Multiple paths are allowed, separated by ';', or use this option multiple times --hidden-import MODULENAME, --hiddenimport MODULENAME Name an import not visible in the code of the ...
from PyInstaller.utils.hooks import collect_data_files a = Analysis( ['main.py'], pathex=[], binaries=binaries, datas=[datas,*collect_data_files("linear_operator",include_py_files=True)], hiddenimports=hiddenimports, hookspath=[], hooksconfig={}, runtime_hooks=[], excludes=[], win_no...
Hidden imports not found#3431 New issue Closed 135 INFO: checking Analysis 135 INFO: Building Analysis because out00-Analysis.toc is non existent 135 INFO: Initializing module dependency graph... 140 INFO: Initializing module graph hooks... 148 INFO: Analyzing hidden import 'binascii,' 151 ERRO...