如果想要给执行exe文件展示一个图标,可以将图片文件先转化为icon,使用网络上的工具,比如https://www.freeconvert.com/jpg-to-ico,将jpg文件转为ico,假设转化文件为test.ico,则在命令行中添加如下命令,可以将打包exe文件带上图标: pyinstaller.exe -D -F -w --icon test.ico --distpath="E:\data" --work...
打开cmd或powershell PS D:\build> pyinstaller.exe -F -c .\demo.py150INFO: PyInstaller:3.3.1150INFO: Python:3.6.4151INFO: Platform: Windows-10-10.0.16299-SP0153INFO: wrote D:\build\demo.spec156INFO: UPX is not available.162INFO: Extending PYTHONPATH with paths ['D:\\build','D:\\bu...
py2exe is a Python Distutils extension which converts Python scripts into executable Windows programs, able to run without requiring a Python installation.官方网站:http://www.py2exe.org/下载地址:https://pypi.org/project/py2exe/py2exe仅适用于Windows平台。
1.打开 auto-py-to-exe 打开 cmd ,输入:auto-py-to-exe 打开 auto-py-to-exe 后,我们就要进...
pyinstaller中使用到的文件wxapp.py, file_read.py, wxapp.spec 前两个文件和上面的内容相同 #-*- mode: python -*-#file: wxapp.spec#convert the path('E:\\book\\code\\python\\wx\\') to your file patha = Analysis(['E:\\book\\code\\python\\wx\\wxapp.py','E:\\book\\code\\pyt...
When i convert my python script to exe on windows platform by pyinstaller i get the output file ran successfully in the same pc , but it doesn't run in another pc and i got this error .. python 2.7.10 in pyinstaller 2.1: print this message: Traceback (most recent call last): File...
Received icon image'C:\PycharmProjects\TestPy\0810pyinstaller\robot.ico'which exists butisnotinthe correct format.Onthisplatform,only('exe','ico')images may be usedasicons.If Pillowisinstalled,automatic conversion will be attempted.Please install Pilloworconvert your'ico'filetooneof('exe','ico'...
Fully multi-platform, and uses the OS support to load the dynamic libraries, thus ensuring full compatibility. Correctly bundles the major Python packages such as numpy, PyQt5, PySide2, PyQt6, PySide6, wxPython, matplotlib and others out-of-the-box. ...
pyinstaller [opt] [要打包的程序.py] 可选的 opt 有: -D, -–onedir 创建一个目录,包含exe文件,但会依赖很多文件(默认选项)。 -F, -–onefile 打包成一个exe文件。 -c, –console,–nowindowed 使用控制台,无界面(默认) -w, -–windowed,–noconsole 使用窗口,无控制台 构建过程中得到的 WARNING ...
auto-py-to-exe 是一个用于将Python程序打包成可执行文件的图形化工具。本文就是主要介绍如何使用 auto-py-to-exe 完成 python 程序打包。auto-py-to-exe 基于 pyinstaller ,相比于 pyinstaller ,它多了 GUI 界面,用起来更为简单方便 今天