# Don't change it. debug=False,# If True shows a debug screen on start. Equivalent to '--debug'. strip=False, upx=True,# Compresses executable files and libraries # If console=True, a console screen will be shown on start up. # icon= is the location of the icon of the exe. co...
Initially, I utilized PyInstaller to create file generated with.spec. It contained[('v', None, 'OPTION')],within theEXEsection that caused an error. However, the issue was resolved through the addition of nonconsole and windowed options after commenting out the problematic line. The final func...
console=False, icon='labelme/icons/icon.ico', version="file_verison_info.txt") app=BUNDLE( exe, name='labelme.app', icon='labelme/icons/icon.icns', bundle_identifier=None, info_plist={'NSHighResolutionCapable':'True'}, ) 其中的EXE里有个version="file_verison_info.txt", 这一句是我自...
4. exe更换icon图标 pyinstaller -F -i ./favicon.ico --version-file file_version_info.txt main.py
Detect if an icon file (.ico or .icns) is of another image type but has been mislabelled as a native icon type via its file suffix then either normalise to a genuinely native image type if pillow is installed or raise an error. (:issue:`6870`) Exit gracefully with an explanator...
-i FILE.ico , --icon FILE.ico 为你的程序添加一个图标 1. 3. 版本信息选项 --version-file FILE.txt 可以将您的版本信息添加到你的软件当中 1. 这个FILE.txt的文件内容为: # UTF-8 # VSVersionInfo( ffi=FixedFileInfo( # filevers and prodvers should be always a tuple with four items: (1,...
{#MyAppExeName}" Name: "{autodesktop}\{#MyAppName}"; Filename: "{app}\{#MyAppExeName}"; Tasks: desktopicon [Run] Filename: "{app}\{#MyAppExeName}"; Description: "{cm:LaunchProgram,{#StringChange(MyAppName, '&', '&&')}}"; Flags: nowait postinstall skipifsilent [...
Finally, this version drops support for Python 2.7, which is end-of-life since January 2020.. The minimum required version is now Python 3.5. The last version supporting Python 2.7 was PyInstaller 3.6. You can find a detailed list of changes in this release in thechange log section of the...
python3使用pyinstaller打包成exe程序 pyinstaller.py--console --onefilexxx.py(xxx.py为自己所写python程序)执行完后就生成了一个test文件夹,程序在/test/dist中 如果你想加个图标、取消运行时跳出控制台,如下: pythonpyinstaller.py-w--onefile --icon="my.ico"xxx.py ...
-icon=图标路径 -F 打包成一个exe文件 -w 使用窗口,无控制台(有GUI的程序要用到) -c 使用控制台,无窗口 -D 创建一个目录,里面包含exe以及其他一些依赖性文件 –version-file file_version_info.txt :表示将标准版本信息文件的内容赋给exe文件的属性 ...