Females give birth to one to two kids that weigh 2 to 4 pounds at birth. A female averages two kids per litter but can occasionally give birth to three. Within an hour after birth, these young are able to stand, follow their mother, and nurse. They are weaned at 10 months, at whic...
Pygmy Goat Characteristics Most recognized for their diminutive stature, pygmy goats are shorter and stouter than breeds like Alpine and Nubian goats. Whereas some goats can weigh up to 200 pounds (90 kilograms), pygmy goats top out at around 70 (31 kilograms), with the average weight more...
The average normal intraocular pressure in goats has been reported at 7.9 to 11.8 mm Hg inPygmy goats15and 13.9 mm Hg in Angora goats.16The aqueous humor provides glucose, oxygen, amino acids, and electrolytes for nutrition of the avascular cornea and lens and also removes their metabolic wast...