pygame.display.get_surface() -> Surface # 获取当前窗口的 Surface, 即 set_mode() 返回的对象 pygame.display.get_num_displays() -> int # 返回显示器的数量 pygame.display.get_window_size() -> tuple # 返回窗口或屏幕的大小, 即 set_mode() 返回的 Surface 大小, 如果使用了 pygame.SCALED, 可...
# 需要导入模块: import pygame [as 别名]# 或者: from pygame importOPENGL[as 别名]deftodo_test_flip(self):# __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.display.flip:# pygame.display.flip(): return None# update the full display Surface to the screen## This will update the contents of the...
This call cannot be used on ``pygame.OPENGL`` displays and will generate an exception... versionchanged:: 2.5.1 Added support for passing an iterable, previously only sequence was allowed.. ## pygame.display.update ##.. function:: get_driver...
pygame.OPENGLcreate an OpenGL-renderable display pygame.RESIZABLEdisplay window should be sizeable pygame.NOFRAMEdisplay window will have no border or controls pygame.SCALEDresolution depends on desktop size and scale graphics pygame.SHOWNwindow is opened in visible mode (default) ...
--- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/ankith/base_env/lib/python3.12/site-packages/pygame/tests/", line 327, in test_from_display_module self.assertFalse(win1.opengl) AssertionError: True is not false It's been like this for a while and I used to brush...
session: 修复了错误#79413(session_create_id()对于活动会话失败) Shmop: 修复了错误#79427(shm...
and pygame.DOUBLEBUF, this# will wait for a vertical retrace and swap the surfaces. If you are# using a different type of display mode, it will simply update the# entire contents of the surface.## When using an pygame.OPENGL display mode this will perform a gl buffer
high-temporal performance: Lag is the enemy of immersive VR, and we wanted to take advantage of our 360 fps display for VR research. Advanced hardware-accelerated algorithms and modern OpenGL constructs are an essential part of doing high-performance graphics in Python. Cubemapping Support (the ...