SGConvfrom Wuet al.:Simplifying Graph Convolutional Networks(CoRR 2019) [Example] APPNPfrom Klicperaet al.:Predict then Propagate: Graph Neural Networks meet Personalized PageRank(ICLR 2019) [Example] MFConvfrom Duvenaudet al.:Convolutional Networks on Graphs for Learning Molecular Fingerprints(NIPS...
于是模型搭建如下: classPyG_SGC(nn.Module):def__init__(self,in_feats,out_feats):super(PyG_SGC,self).__init__()self.conv=SGConv(in_feats,out_feats,K=k,cached=True)defforward(self,data):x,edge_index=data.x,data.edge_indexx=self.conv(x,edge_index)returnx 训练时返回验证集上表现最...
conv = SGConv(16, 32, K=10) assert conv.__repr__() == 'SGConv(16, 32, K=10)' out1 = conv(x, edge_index) assert out1.size() == (4, 32) assert torch.allclose(conv(x, adj1.t()), out1, atol=1e-6) assert torch.allclose(conv(x, adj3.t()), out1, atol=1e-...
SGConv from Wu et al.: Simplifying Graph Convolutional Networks (CoRR 2019) [Example] APPNP from Klicpera et al.: Predict then Propagate: Graph Neural Networks meet Personalized PageRank (ICLR 2019) [Example] MFConv from Duvenaud et al.: Convolutional Networks on Graphs for Learning Molecular ...
{CUDA}-f $ pip install torch-cluster==latest+${CUDA}-f $ pip install torch-spline-conv==latest+${CUDA}-f $ pip install torch-...
🚀 The feature, motivation and pitch Exphormer: Sparse Transformers for Graphs SGFormer: Simplifying and Empowering Transformers for Large-Graph Representations Polynormer: Polynomial-Expressive Graph Transformer in Linear Time Gradformer...
SGConv(Add PyTorch SparseTensor support forSGConv,SSGConvandTAGConv#6514) SignedConv(PyTorch Sparse Tensor support:LEConv,LGConv,NNConv,PANConv,SignedConv, andWLConv#6936) SplineConv SSGConv(Add PyTorch SparseTensor support forSGConv,SSGConvandTAGConv#6514) ...
SGConvfrom Wuet al.:Simplifying Graph Convolutional Networks(CoRR 2019) [Example] APPNPfrom Klicperaet al.:Predict then Propagate: Graph Neural Networks meet Personalized PageRank(ICLR 2019) [Example] MFConvfrom Duvenaudet al.:Convolutional Networks on Graphs for Learning Molecular Fingerprints(NIPS...
GINEConvfrom Huet al.:Strategies for Pre-training Graph Neural Networks(ICLR 2020) ARMAConvfrom Bianchiet al.:Graph Neural Networks with Convolutional ARMA Filters(CoRR 2019) [Example] SGConvfrom Wuet al.:Simplifying Graph Convolutional Networks(CoRR 2019) [Example] ...