pYES2/NT and pYES2/CT are S. cerevisiae expression vectors derived from the parental pYES2 vector. Both vectors offer the URA3 gene for selection in yeast. pYES2/NT features an N-terminal Xpress™ epitope for detection with Invitrogen's Anti-Xpress™ Antibody and a polyhistidine (6xHis...
The pYES2 vector is designed for native expression of your protein of interest in S. cerevisiae. It contains the URA3 gene for selection in yeast and 2μ origin for high-copy maintenance. 仅供科研使用。不可用于诊断程序。 规格 促进剂GAL1 产品类型酵母表达载体 耐抗生素细菌氨苄青霉素 (AmpR) ...
pYES2/NT and pYES2/CT are S. cerevisiae expression vectors derived from the parental pYES2 vector. Both vectors offer the URA3 gene for selection in yeast. pYES2/NT features an N-terminal Xpress™ epitope for detection with Invitrogen's Anti-Xpress™ Antibody and a polyhistidine (6xHis...
This file is created by Vector NTI Location/Qualifiers 1..5963 /organism="pYES2/CT" /mol_type="other DNA" promoter misc_feature promoter 1..451 /label="GAL1_promoter" 414..437 /label="GAL1_primer" 475..493 /label="T7_promoter" pYES2/CT pYES2/CT 5963 bp DNA circular SYN ...
Narita V, Widyanto RM, Pambudi S and Sudiro TM: Cloning of dengue virus type 3 (Indonesian Strain D3‑1703) non struc‑ tural‑1 gene into pYES2/CT vector. Makara Sains 15: 173‑178, 2011.Narita V, Widyanto RM, Pambudi S and Sudiro TM: Cloning of dengue ...
载体标签:N-His, N-Xpress, C-His, C-V5 载体抗性:Ampicillin (氨苄青霉素) 筛选标记:URA3 备注:利用半乳糖诱导蛋白在酿酒酵母中表达。 载体介绍 pYES2/NT and pYES2/CT areS. cerevisiaeexpression vectors derived from the parental pYES2 vector. Both vectors offer theURA3gene for selection in yeast....
pYES2/NT and pYES2/CT are S. cerevisiae expression vectors derived from the parental pYES2 vector. Both vectors offer the URA3 gene for selection in yeast. pYES2/NT features an N-terminal Xpress epitope for detection with Invitro
上海玉博生物科技有限公司 主要致力于“PYES2/CT SC Invitrogen-V825120”的生产销售。多年的“PYES2/CT SC Invitrogen-V825120”生产与销售的经验,与各行业新老用户建立了稳定的合作关系,我公司经营的产品名称深受广大用户信赖。欢迎来电咨询或前来选购
The gene was cloned in the intracellular expression vector pYES2/CT for Saccharomyces cerevisiae and the secreting expression vector named pYES2/CT/α-factor(pYCα) was constructed. The gene of mannase(man) from recombinant vector of pKLAC1-man (pKLman) was cut by restriction enzymes and ...
COMMENTThisfileiscreatedbyVectorNTI FEATURESLocation/Qualifiers source1..5857 /organism="pYES2" /mol_type="otherDNA" terminatorcomplement(12..251) /label="CYC1_terminator" misc_feature218..236 /label="pYESTrp_rev_primer" misc_feature218..236 ...