-〉Edit Configurations -〉Environment -〉Environment variables中设置环境变量。确保首先选择venv的python...
import _ssl # if we can't import it, let the error propagate ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found. I tried creating a anaconda environment but it seems to be not working (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54175042/python-3-7-anacond...
ln -s /Users/kyle/PycharmProjects/animation-processing/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/cv2/cv2.abi3.so /Users/kyle/PycharmProjects/animation-processing/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ And then I also needed to invalidate caches in PyCharm before autocomplete started working (File -> Invalida...
I have just upgraded to the PyCharm 2020.3 Community edition, and my debugger no longer works. I initially encountered this when I did an upgrade from 2020.2, but I have since installed a fresh copy, and cleared all my setting, and started with a fresh project, using it's own v...
我建议从本地源代码构建,这在Mac上非常简单。指南:https://www.pygame.org/wiki/MacCompile ...
() File "F:\gt_stats_iii\venv\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\pyplot.py", line 336, in _warn_if_gui_out_of_main_thread if (_get_required_interactive_framework(_get_backend_mod()) and File "F:\gt_stats_iii\venv\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\pyplot.py", line 206, in _get_backend_mod...
记一次ImportError: No module named xxx问题 正常来讲,遇见No moudule named xxx都是直接执行pip install xxx即可,这里不太一样,记一下原因, 因为这个本身是很简单的事情,却耗费了挺多时间。 造成原因: 本地venv虚拟环境使用pip安装了redis(pip install redis),同时当前执行的目标文... ...
已安装scrapy框架,但是pycharm运行时仍显示No module named ‘scrapy’ 首先说明,我已经安装了scrapy框架,然后在windows的命令行中用命令创建了一个爬虫项目pachong3,然后在pycharm中打开该项目,下面是该项目的目录结构: 可以看到该项目目录下多出了一个venv文件夹,其表示python的虚拟环境,运行显示No modul... 查看...
error("Standard Python 'venv' module not found", ERROR_EXCEPTION) # In Python >= 3.4 venv.create() has a new parameter with_pip=False # that allows to automatically install setuptools and pip with the module # ensurepip. Unfortunately, we cannot use this parameter and have to ...