因此,当您运行tar -xvzf helpers.tar.gz时,它将在当前目录中解压缩helpers.tar.gz的内容。
Hi, I have two remote machines and I switch the machines to run my code on from time to time. When I want to run it on the other machine, I edit my run configuration to use the other remote interpreter. Then I change stuff and click run. However, Pyc...
PyCharm provides the following main ways to upload project files and folders to deployment servers: Manually, at any time through a menu command. Automatically, every time a file is updated, or before starting a debugging session, or during a commit to your version control system. For downloadi...
Last modified: 24 June 2024 Available only in PyCharm Professional:downloadto try orcompare editions Suppressing uploading, downloading, and synchronization for files or folders with sources ensures that the sources are protected against accidental update. When applied to non-sources, it can save syste...
Uploading Application to Google App Engine Last modified: 08 March 2021 This is a Professional feature: download PyCharm Professional to try. To upload an application On the Tools menu, point to Google App Engine, and choose Upload App Engine Application. Having uploaded the application,...