1、编辑(Editing) 2、查找/替换(Search/Replace) 3、运行(Running) 4、调试(Debugging) 5、导航(Navigation) 6、搜索相关(Usage Search) 7、重构(Refactoring) 8、控制VCS/Local History 9、模版(Live Templates) 10、基本(General) CTRL + SHIFT + 上/下(方向箭) ===》 将光标所在行的代码向上或向下移动...
后退,前进,主要是光标点击位置的跳转,比如:pycharm窗口右侧打开多个文件,点击文件标题后,可以使用该选项在文件之间进行跳转,光标在文件内容点击多个位置时,也可以使用该选项使光标在这多个位置之间进行跳转。 Search Everywhere 在Pycharm默认的范围里搜索。可以输入名称进行搜索,从而快速定位打开文件。 Class 在某个的范围...
You can quickly find all places where a particular class, method or variable is used in the whole project by positioning the caret at the symbol's name or at its usage in code and pressing Alt+Shift+F7 (Find Usages in the popup menu). To navigate to the declaration of a class, method...
You can quickly find all places where a particular class, method or variable is used in the whole project by positioning the caret at the symbol's name or at its usage in code and pressing Alt+Shift+F7 (Find Usages in the popup menu).To navigate to the declaration of a class, method ...
You can find any item in the project or outside of it by its name. You can search for files, actions, classes, symbols, settings, UI elements, and anything in Git from a single entry point. For more information about searching text within your project, refer to Find and replace in pro...
You can search for a text string within a project, use different scopes to narrow your search process, exclude certain items from your search, find usages and occurrences. Find the search string in a project Press CtrlShift0F or select Edit | Find | Find in Files from the main menu...
I quite like the overall experience, I think is a very mature tool and I have suggested it to all my colleagues working with Python Django. PROS What I do really like about PyCharm is the search features. I think they are really useful and work great! CONS Would be nice when working ...
TheSearch Everywhere (Double ⇧ / Double Shift)functionality, primarily utilized for searching through files, classes, methods, actions, and settings, now includes text search capabilities similar toFind in Files. With this enhancement, text search results are displayed when there are few or no ot...
In the image above, the shortcut isCtrl+Alt+Afor this tool. Add your preferred shortcut in the textbox and clickOKfor both windows. Now you can now use that shortcut to analyze the file you’re currently working on with Flake8. ...
1、Safe delete(with usage search) 字面意思是使用搜索安全删除 ①没有选中状态,直接删除 ②选中状态,删除前会搜索项目中是否有使用到这个文件的其它文件,如果有相关文件会提醒有几处被使用,并且列出以下三个按钮: Delete Anyway 确认删除 View usages 查看哪里被使用 Cancel 取消删除 2、Search in comments and st...