可以看到报错中“missing from current font” ,即默认的字体中不包含中文字符 解决方法 在画图代码中设置字体 代码语言:javascript 复制 from pylabimportmpl # 设置中文显示字体 mpl.rcParams["font.sans-serif"]=["SimHei"] 解决 成功运行!
FigureCanvasAgg.draw(self) 可以看到报错中“missing from current font” ,即默认的字体中不包含中文字符 解决方法 在画图代码中设置字体 from pylab import mpl # 设置中文显示字体 mpl.rcParams["font.sans-serif"] = ["SimHei"] 解决 成功运行!文章标签: Python ...
Glyph 21521 (\N{CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-5411}) missing from current font. 说明缺少字体库, 可以通过以下几种方法来解决: a.临时设置字体: 你可以在绘图代码中临时设置字体。例如,使用SimHei字体来显示中文: importmatplotlib.pyplotasplt plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei']# 设置字体为SimHeiplt...
UserWarning: Glyph 24179 (\N{CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-5E73}) missing from current font. func(*args) 1. 2. 解决办法:输入以下内容设置汉字格式(设置方式多样,可自行搜索) (1)获取字体格式 from matplotlib.font_manager import FontManager mpl_fonts = set(f.name for f in FontManager().ttflist) print...
This font size will apply to the current editor tabs, and all the newly opened editors. However, it does not affect the font size of the IDE components.Note that you can always see the results of your experiments in the Preview pane:The whol 12、e procedure is described step-by-step ...
With PyCharm, you can debug your application using an interpreter that is located on the other computer, such as a Linux VM. As a result, you can have the same interpreter as your production environment to fix and avoid many bugs resulting from the difference between development and production...
则在disable尾部添加 missing-docstring 即可; pylint在行级别的代码中 禁用某些功能(也就是 不对所有代码禁用某个检测,只对某行代码禁用某个检测): 教程地址:https://pylint.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user_guide/message-control.html 实例: 在一行代码的 后面 添加注释,便只忽略检查某一行; ...
By default, the output content in the Preview area is displayed using the editor font size. To alter this value and set any specific font size, open Settings/Preferences Ctrl+Alt+S, select Build, Execution, Deployment | Jupyter dialog, deselect Use Font Editor Size, and choose the required ...
Surround with quotes Surrounds the current field with quotes and escapes already existing ones Add separator Adds a (missing) separator at the cursor position Add closing quote Adds a (missing) closing quote at the end of the documentIntentions...
我是直接在pycharm里面直接打开下方Teminal 窗口 ,然后利用PyInstaller -Fw XXXX.py来打包的,但是搞出来后有196m,给别人用也不好用。 看了网上大家的说法,说因为我们安装的是Anaconda,里面很多库连接进去了很多不必要的其他库和包,所以一大堆东西全打包进去了。