首先,打开PyCharm,进入设置:Tools > Deployment > Configuration,创建一个新的SFTP连接,指定一个名称,如"Remote Server"。接着,配置SSH参数,如果遇到"root目录不可行"的情况,确保在Web服务器URL中输入服务器IP地址。在映射地址设置中,区分deployment path(服务器地址)和local path(本地地址)。
如果解释器区域显示“Interpreter is not specified”,则点击右侧的齿轮图标,选择“Add”。 在出现的窗口中,您可以看到自动检测到的Python解释器列表。如果没有检测到,可以选择“System Interpreter”或者“Manually specify interpreter”。 如果选择“System Interpreter”,确保之前检查Python时它是在系统的PATH环境变量中的。
PyCharm is claiming a local import is an unresolved reference, but when I run the script through Run/Debug mode (yes, while the import is still highlighted as red) the script runs fine. I tried restarted PyCharm to see if the error would go away but this hasn't resolved it. I am u...
Path mappings Use this field to create mappings between the local and remote paths. Clicking the browse button results in opening Edit Path Mappings dialog, where you can add new path mappings, and delete the selected ones. Local path is an absolute path to the project, for example, /Users...
File “C:\Users\abhil\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\envs\HeisenbergPy37\lib\ssl.py”, line 98, in import _ssl # if we can’t import it, let the error propagate ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found. Process finished with exit code 1 解决方案 his...
However, the built-in server is not used to serve the application. Instead, PyCharm automatically starts webdev server on the port specified in the Dart dialog and the browser page is redirected to the webdev server URL (like http://localhost:53322/index.html). tip The default webdev ...
Parameters:C:\Users\xxxxxx\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36-32\Tools\scripts\2to3.py -w $FilePath$ Working directory:$FileDir$ 注意: ①之前参考某大神的文章,program处使用$ModuleSdkPath$,可是使用时会报错,Error running '2to3': Executable is not specified,多次试错,才发现就是这个配置的问...
2. The hosts file is not configured or is incorrectly configured. Configure the domain names and IP addresses in thehostsfile on the local PC. 3. Network proxy settings are incorrect. If the network requires proxy settings, check whether the proxy settings are correct. You can also use the...
The local IDE will automatically synchronize the modification to the specified notebook instance. After PyCharm Toolkit is installed, Automatic Upload is automatically enabled in the local IDE for automatically uploading the files in the local directory to the target notebook instance. If Automatic ...
转载地址:http://www.cnblogs.com/yuanzm/p/4089856.html Python,最近又开始玩起了这门语言。总的...