Thanks. It is working now, but not sure why. I tried again, and now it is working, without uninstalling pydevd. The only thing I can think of is either, some pip install I did since I wrote this fixed the installed pydevd that it is now in line with the one you distribute....
from . import (constants, error, message, context,ImportError: DLL load failed: Das angegebene Modul wurde nicht gefunden. Process finished with exit code 1 ``` The German text next to the ImportError says that the Module was not found. Even so, the Jupyter toolbar interpreter drop...
在脚本运行的这一栏,选择“Configurations”,进行设置 弹出下面的窗口 点击左上角的“-”号,将配置信息删除,重启Pycharm就可以解决 如果Pycharm重启后还是没有找到对应的目录,那么就需要手动进行配置当前的工作目录, 点击Working directory这一栏最后的文件夹图标,即可进行手动选择目录 __EOF__...
from osgeo import osr osr.SpatialReference().ImportFromEPSG(4326) From terminal, this correctly returns: 0 From Pycharm (exact same conda env) raises aRuntimeErrorwith this exception message: ('PROJ: proj_create_from_database: Open of /home/a/anaconda3/envs/AME/share/proj failed',) ...
启动PyCharm,你将看到导入设置弹窗。PyCharm 会自动检测出这是首次安装,并为你选择「Do not import settings」选项。点击 OK,之后 PyCharm 会让你选择键盘映射(keymap scheme)。保留默认设置,点击右下角的「Next: UI Themes」: PyCharm 将询问选择深色模式 Darcula 还是浅色模式。你可以选择自己喜欢的模式,并点击...
likely you are trying to import a failed build of numpy. If you're working with a numpy git repo, try `git clean -xdf` (removes all files not under version control). Otherwise reinstall numpy. 还是报错,经过自己摸索,找到了解决方案,原来是自己的numpy版本过低了!解决方法如下: ...
1 Matplotlib Not Working Through PyCharm 8 Matplotlib imshow in Pycharm Ipython not always displaying image 4 Error when using Matplotlib.image in Python 10 matplotlib support failed in PyCharm on OSX 3 PyCharm import matplotlib.pyplot show error 0 PyCharm not displaying Matplotl...
Pycharm Import Error: No module named arcpyAsk Question Asked 4 years, 6 months ago Modified 4 years, 6 months ago Viewed 1k times 0 I have followed previous instructions on how to use arcpy in Pycharm but it's still not working. Here is what I've tried:File...
启动PyCharm,你将看到导入设置弹窗。PyCharm 会自动检测出这是首次安装,并为你选择「Do not import settings」选项。点击 OK,之后 PyCharm 会让你选择键盘映射(keymap scheme)。保留默认设置,点击右下角的「Next: UI Themes」: PyCharm 将询问选择深色模式 Darcula 还是浅色模式。你可以选择自己喜欢的模式,并点击...
启动PyCharm,你将看到导入设置弹窗。PyCharm 会自动检测出这是首次安装,并为你选择「Do not import settings」选项。点击 OK,之后 PyCharm 会让你选择键盘映射(keymap scheme)。保留默认设置,点击右下角的「Next: UI Themes」: PyCharm 将询问选择深色模式 Darcula 还是浅色模式。你...