The stack shows "frame not available" but I can step, and see the local variables update. Of the code shown in the editor is not tracking where the execution point is in that method but I can open the file and tell "manually" what line is being run...
pycharm 2019.02 不能正常debug ,正常设置间断点,正常点击debug按钮,pycharm仅显示Connected to pydev debugger,并且frame中显示 frame not available,如图: Connected to pydev debugger.png frame not available.png 网上有各种针对debugger的,python版本的,甚至是pycharm本身的问题的解释,但如果你遇到的问题和我说的...
、 当我试图进入它时,它在调试器中显示为<frame not available>。我见过,但它要求单步执行Python C函数。 浏览11提问于2020-05-09得票数 0 2回答 如何在c级调试python? 、、、 如何在c级调试python?可能吗?或者哪种工具可以做到这一点? 浏览1提问于2016-04-23得票数 0 1回答 Pycharm未单步执行函数 、...
> General -> Synchronization -> Save files on framedeactivation和 Save files automatically if application is idle for .. sec 的勾去掉 > Editor Tabs -> Mark modified tabs with asterisk 打上勾 9.>file and code template>python scripts
> General -> Synchronization -> Save files on frame deactivation和 Save files automatically if application is idle for .. sec 的勾去掉 > Editor Tabs -> Mark modified tabs with asterisk 打上勾 9.>file and code template>python scripts
1. file -> Setting -> General -> Synchronization -> Save files on frame deactivation 和 Save files automatically if application is idle for .. sec 的勾去掉 2. file ->Setting -> Editor -> Editor Tabs -> Mark modified tabs with asterisk 打上勾 ...
“Use tab character”->其他的语言代码同理设置7. 去掉默认折叠> Code Folding -> Collapse bydefault->全部去掉勾选8. pycharm默认是自动保存的,习惯自己按ctrl +s 的可以进行如下设置:> General -> Synchronization -> Save files on frame deactivation 和 Save files automaticallyifapplicationisidlefor.. ...
> General -> Synchronization -> Save files on frame deactivation和 Save files automatically if application is idle for .. sec 的勾去掉 > Editor Tabs -> Mark modified tabs with asterisk 打上勾 9.>file and code template>python scripts
In case of multiple projects, each one is closed with its frame. Remove a project from the list of recent projects Click Recent Projects on the File menu, then click Manage Projects at the very bottom of the recent project list. Click the icon next the project that you want to ...