在“Preferences”(或“Settings”)导航到“Keymap”,然后在搜索框中输入你设置的外部工具名称,例如“YAPF Formatter”找到相应的条目。右键点击并选择“Add Keyboard Shortcut”,输入你想要的快捷键组合并保存。 右键菜单格式化: 另一个使用YAPF的方便方式是通过文件右键菜单。在项目视图或代码编辑器中,右击你的Python文...
PyCharm should be one of the most commonly used Python editors. Today, I have compiled a PyCharm shortcut key encyclopedia, including Mac and Windo...
Code -> Optimize Imports & Reformat Code File -> Save All Tools -> "Stop Macro Recording" 对宏命名,例如“formatted save” Ctrl + Alt + S,搜索刚才录制的宏,例如“formatted save” 点击Add Keyboard Shortcut 本人设为Alt + S,不与现有快捷键冲突 (可考虑Ctrl + S,直接替换现有Ctrl + S) 效果...
也可以自定义,File->settings->直接搜索 caret line, 找到Move Caret to Line End,右键,在弹出的菜单中选 Add Keyboard Shortcut,输入自己想要的快捷按键即可, 我设置的是 Alt + E 找到Move Caret to Line Start,右键,在弹出的菜单中选 Add Keyboard Shortcut,输入自己想要的快捷按键即可, 我设置的是 Alt +...
Shortcut快捷方式 Rename重命名 Copy复制 Paste粘贴 Cut切 Delete删除 Undo撤消 Redo重做 Line行 Block块...
找到Move Caret to Line End,右键,在弹出的菜单中选 Add Keyboard Shortcut,输入自己想要的快捷按键即可, 我设置的是 Alt + E 找到Move Caret to Line Start,右键,在弹出的菜单中选 Add Keyboard Shortcut,输入自己想要的快捷按键即可, 我设置的是 Alt + S ...
右击”Find in Files",在右键菜单中选择“Add Keyboard Shortcut”,在弹出的对话框中,进行“Ctrl+Shift+S”组合按键,PyCharm会把你的按键组合视为这个功能的快捷键,确认无误后点击确定(OK)。 image-20220615103731803 回到KeyMap界面,点击OK或者Apply按钮可使刚才设置的快捷键生效。
note Neither the Jump to Colors and Fonts nor the Show Fonts Used by Editor actions have a default shortcut. To assign a shortcut for an action, select it in the Find Action popup and press AltEnter.Was this page helpful? YesNo
Locate Duplicates... Choose this command to find code duplicates. Refer to Analyze duplicates. Refactor tip Note that the composition of this menu item depends on the current context. Menu item Keyboard shortcut Description Refactor This... Ctrl+Alt+Shift+T Choose this command to open a po...
Description: Black is the uncompromising Python code formatter. Program: <install_location_from_step_2> Arguments: "$FilePath$" Format the currently opened file by selecting Tools -> External Tools -> black. 3、Alternatively, you can set a keyboard shortcut by navigating to Preferences or Setti...