隐藏在工程中的文件以及文件夹1、将文件以及文件夹排除(excluded)在工程之外 Right-Click ->MarkDirectoryAs->Excluded(文件以及文件夹有可能从工程中消失)2、隐藏被排除(excluded)的文件: 选中工程 (under the Gear-Wheel symbol) 和取消选中 ShowExcludedFiles ...
We’ve enhanced in-editor hints for Vue, Svelte, and Astro components. TheShow component usagesaction now finds usages in both imports and markup templates. We’ve also added aShow Component Usagesfilter to exclude component usages when searching for regular file references. TheRenamerefactoring has...
Is there any way to stop indexing Remote libraries? I would like the jump to definition feature to only work on the file project.Remote libraries are picked up from "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages". I couldn't find a way to exclude them.Remote libraries are under : External libr...
However, I am not allowed to rename the folder by my organization. How can I exclude it from whatever path it is conflicting with? At the moment, I can rename the directory, launch jupyter, then rename it back to its original name. 0 Antonina Belianskaya Created December 16, ...
is there a way to make indexing go only after python files by default? 0 Pavel Karateev Created December 04, 2018 16:35 Hi Stanislav, if datasets are stored in a separate folder one can exclude it by right-click on the folder in the project tree | Mark Directory as ... ...
Is there any way to stop indexing Remote libraries? I would like the jump to definition feature to only work on the file project. Remote libraries are picked up from "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages". I couldn't find a way to exclude them. ...