在脚本运行的这一栏,选择“Configurations”,进行设置 弹出下面的窗口 点击左上角的“-”号,将配置信息删除,重启Pycharm就可以解决 如果Pycharm重启后还是没有找到对应的目录,那么就需要手动进行配置当前的工作目录, 点击Working directory这一栏最后的文件夹图标,即可进行手动选择目录 __EOF__...
1、PyCharm报Errorrunning:Cannotrunprogram:CreateProcesserror=2, 系统找不到指定的文件解决办法 原因分析 1、PyCharm中使用的python版本不对。2、setting和运行的python版本不对 1解决办法 依次点击File>Settings 在出现的Settings页面左侧找到Project> Pycharm报错:CreateProcess error=2, 系统找不到指定的文件;解决...
PyCharm: error running ‘***’: Cannot start process, the working directory ‘***’ does not exist,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
Not found error The project uses a global File Watcher that was removed. Delete the watcher from the list using the Remove button or edit it to create a new global watcher with the same name. Deployment Error message when using SSH configurations: Connection to <server> failed: SSH: invalid...
running = True while running: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: running = False # 绘制背景 window.fill((255, 255, 255)) # 刷新窗口 pygame.display.update() # 退出游戏 pygame.quit() 作者:玉树临风的玉...
I'm trying to use PyCharm's inline test running/debugging functionality on a project. I have a 2023 MBP. I have Python 3.11 installed. I am using venv. I have set the Python Interpreter to be the 3.11 version of python in the .venv/bin directory. I am getting the following error: ...
If the error message you are receiving on macbook states “ process still running – error (xyz) ” For me, the process number was 650. My fix was typing “ kill 650” in my macbooks terminal. I could not locate a .lock file and found the “kill” fix in old forums. 8 ...
Running setup.py install for llvmlite: started Running setup.py install for llvmlite: finished with status 'error' ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 1: command: 'D:\PyCharm 2019.2.5\code\Iris\venv\Scripts\python.exe' -u -c 'import sys, setuptools, tokenize; sys.argv[0] = '...
PyCharm constantly monitors the quality of your code by running code inspections. The indicator in the top right-hand corner shows the overall status of code inspections for the entire file. Tool windows are specialized windows attached to the bottom and the sides of the workspace. They provide...
1.进入官网下载jieba包,解压放在E:\Anaconda\package\pkgs 2.win+R prompt 进入Anaconda Prompt 3....