Create projects Create a Python project Create a project from existing sources Generate a project from a framework template Rename projects Open, reopen, and close projects Populate projects Configure a Python interpreter Install, uninstall, and upgrade packages Manage interpreter paths Manage project requ...
to work with remote sources in PyCharm, you need to download them, open the folder where they are stored, and arrange them in a PyCharm project, as described inCreate a project from existing sources. To keep your local and remote sources synchronized, configure automatic upload using theUploa...
勾选Add "Open Folder as Project"后,更新上下文菜单,也即安装后在文件夹中,鼠标右键的菜单中出现Open Folder as PyCharm Project选项,单击该选项即可启动PyCharm,在该文件夹以项目形式启动,若该文件夹是项目所在文件夹,则是打开该项目,若该文件夹不存在项目,则自动建立项目。该项是否勾选可根据需求而定,推荐勾...
第二种方式就是在Pycharm的Settings中完成,仍然是File--->Settings--->Project: 你的项目名展开,选...
勾选Add "Open Folder as Project"后,更新上下文菜单,也即安装后在文件夹中,鼠标右键的菜单中出现Open Folder as PyCharm Project选项,单击该选项即可启动PyCharm,在该文件夹以项目形式启动,若该文件夹是项目所在文件夹,则是打开该项目,若该文件夹不存在项目,则自动建立项目。该项是否勾选可根据需求而定,推荐勾...
create desktop shortcut(创建桌面快捷方式)update context menu(更新上下文菜单),add open folder as...
Step 9: Now, you have to select the Start Menu folder, or you can leave it as default Step 10: After these steps, click on theInstallbutton as above to start the installation process Step 11: When you click on the Finish button, your PyCharm installation completes ...
2. Delete the project folder in `$HOME/PycharmProjects`, for example in the command line: `rm -r $HOME/PycharmProjects/cool_project` However, after these steps I still got the message "Location directory is not empty" when trying to create a new project u...
Looks like project configuration files are corrupted. Please try re-create project configuration via File | New | Project From Existing Sources action. 0 Yaniv11386 Created July 28, 2020 00:05 I tried to re-create a project from folder. This is when I...
Install the "MicroPython" plugin from your IDE settings. Create a new project or open an existing folder with your MicroPython code. This step differs for PyCharm and IntelliJ: PyCharm: Enable MicroPython support in"File | Settings | Languages & Frameworks | MicroPython"and specify the path to...