步骤一:确保Docker已正确启动 首先,我们需要确保Docker已经正确启动。我们可以通过以下命令来检查Docker的运行状态: dockerinfo 1. 如果Docker未正确启动,我们需要使用以下命令来启动Docker: sudoservicedockerstart 1. 步骤二:检查PyCharm配置 接下来,我们需要检查PyCharm的配置,确保已正确配置Docker编译器。我们可以按照以...
首先,点击 PyCharm 右上角的 “Docker” 图标,打开 Docker 工具窗口。然后点击 “Connect to Docker”。 接下来,选择之前配置的远端 Docker。 现在,您可以在 Docker 工具窗口中看到远端 Docker 的详细信息,包括镜像、容器等。 接下来,我们需要构建 Docker 镜像。在 Docker 工具窗口中,右键点击Dockerfile文件,选择 ...
PyCharm无法连接Docker("cannot connect to the Docker daemon") 参考官网教程安装依赖: Install Docker Engine on Ubuntudocs.docker.com/engine/install/ubuntu/#installation-methods sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io docker-buildx-plugin docker-compose-plugin 根据以下教程查看serve...
我在PyCharm 中创建了一个远程调试配置(通过将我的本地机器项目路径映射到 docker 容器中的路径) 通过从 PyCharm 运行调试配置(单击错误图标),它会打印(并挂起): Starting debug server at port 4200 Use the following code to connect to the debugger: import pydevd pydevd.settrace('', port=42...
Select an existing Docker configuration in the Docker server dropdown. Alternatively, click and perform the following steps to create a new Docker configuration: Create a Docker configuration Click to add a Docker configuration and specify how to connect to the Docker daemon. The connection settings...
Docker Machine on Linux does not share user home folder, and any other folders as well. Thus, for running, debugging and profiling applications, the user should add shared folders with the project sources to the VirtualBox Docker virtual machine manually. These shared folders on VM should be ...
pycharm连接docker服务器遇到的错误:java.net.ConnectExcep。。。port的问题:在端⼝上⾯docker映射端⼝-p 40050:7000 结果出现了错误 java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused 错误原因:在⽹上搜了很多解决⽅法,很多都在说是端⼝占⽤ 其实真实的原因,并不是端⼝被占⽤,⽽是在ssh服务中...
重启docker守护进程:sudo systemctl restart docker 第三步:启动pycharm 目前pycharm 2020.3版本以上才支持docker配置 需使用sudo权限打开,否则会出现连接不上unix:///var/run/docker.sock的问题 sudo ./pycharm.sh 配置pycharm: 1)File-> Settings ->Build,Execution,Deployment->Docker; Connect to Docker daemon...
基于dockerfile构建镜像 ➜10.1git:(master)✗docker build . -t odoo:10.1 Sending build context to Dockerdaemon 3.072kB Step 1/8 :FROM odoo:10.0 ---> 50bfb7575fe2 Step 2/8 :MAINTAINER Odoo S.A. <info@odoo.com> ---> Using cache ...
Once you connect to the Docker daemon, you can use theServicestool window (orAlt08) to manage everything related to Docker, for example:pull and push images,create and run containers, andscale Docker Compose services. As with other tool windows, you can start typing the name of an image ...