16, TypeError: write() argument must be str, not bytes pickle dump的文件是byte类型,所以打开文件不能用w,要用wb 17, TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting print("set dog %s" % dog) 没写全, 少写了%s 18, TypeError: object() takes no parameters __init__写成了__...
整型:int 字符串:str 列表:list 元组:tuple 字典:dic 4 for enumrate xrange range 1.1. 列表中的十六进制或者unicode展示位中文 1 2 3 4 5 attr=(['CN','0','\xe6\xb5\x99\xe6\xb1\x9f','\xe6\x9d\xad\xe5\xb7\x9e','ALIBABA'], ['CN','0','qita','0','cn'], ['\xe4\xb8\...
# Calculation for DPI < 96 is not yet supported. GetDpiAwareWindowSize(&width, &height) return width, height @staticmethod def Scale(arg): @classmethod def Scale(cls, arg): """Scale units for high DPI devices. Argument can be an int, tuple or list.""" (dpix, dpiy) = DpiAware.Ge...
> w1@IDX-xujf: * Child terminated with errorcode 1 FAILED 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 根据错误信息查看一下429行的代码: if not resource: raise RuntimeError('This platform does not support detach.') 1. 2. 这里判断了一下resource,然后就直接抛出异常了。resource具体是什么,可以在这个文件里搜索一下...
public int sum(int a, int b) { if(a < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter a should be positive"); System.out.println("Adding two numbers: " + a + " + " + b); return a + b; } 添加另一项条件来测试第二个形参会将 CYC 结果提高到 3: public int sum(int a, int ...
Python version 2.7 required, which was not found in the registry 使用这个方法可以 手工注册 注册表,正常执行安装 https://www.cnblogs.com/min0208/archive/2012/05/24/2515584.html #sample2 pycharm 创建一个Project 的虚拟环境时候hang 住3分钟, ...