定位到“editor”标签下的“General”,勾选“change font size with……”选项.Pycharm通过鼠标滚轮调节...
今天刚装了pycharm,字体太小了,网上查了下,get大小设置:File->settings -> editor -> colors & fonts中设置,但是显示是灰色的,不能修改,再查资料,get:修改上面Scheme name,然后另存Sava As,随便一个名字,即可,然后即可修改字体大小。。。
Settings---Keymap---Editor ---General 勾选Change font size (Zoom) with Ctrl +Mouse Wheel 就可以直接用CTRL+鼠标滚轮调整编辑区域大小了 6、Pycharm安装插件 (1) Settings---Plugins,点击Browse repositories...查找需要的插件。Markdown support,数据库插件。 (2)bashsupport 写bash shell脚本用的 (3)vim...
3. 调整代码的字体加粗显示更加清晰 Settings->Edditor->Colors&Fonts->General,在窗口中点击 Text->Default text, 然后把Bold勾选上。 4. 如何通过鼠标滚轮调整界面字体大小 Settings->Edditor->General,在Mouse下勾选 Change font size (Zoom) with Ctrl+Mouse Wheel。 二. 窗口布局的了解 1. 左侧是工程显示...
General(常规) 勾选Change font size(Zoom) with Ctrl+Mouse Wheel。用Ctrl+鼠标滚轮改变字体大小(缩放) Appearance(外观) 勾选Show line numbers显示行号 Code Completion(代码补全) 更改文档及参数提示的弹出速度 Show the documentation popup in 10 ms ...
Enable this option to be able to change font size in the editor by rolling the mouse wheel while holding the Ctrl key. Select Active editor to change font size only in the current editor tab. If you close and reopen the document, the font size will be reset to the default font or to...
If you want to change the font size of the text displayed in the popup window, click the icon and specify the new font size. For code elements, you can also view external documentation. While in the quick documentation popup, click or press ShiftF1. note External Python documentation become...
第一天 LineChart的常用属性lineChart.setDrawBorders(false);//设置绘制边界 lineChart.setDescription("最大值是: "+ max+",最小值是:"+min);// 数据描述 lineChart.setDescriptionTextSize(16f);//数据描述字体大小, 最小值6f, 最大值16f. lineChar ...
PyCharm Change Font Size file->settings->colors&fonts-> save as (save the current scheme as your own)-> font- >change size
{border-bottom:0 solid #fff;color:#3498DB;font-size:16px;font-weight:bold;margin:0;padding:0;text-decoration:underline;} .u47f275e54d2045c893aa737f09c5973a .postTitle{color:#27AE60;font-size:16px;font-weight:600;margin:0;padding:0;width:100%;} .u47f275e54d2045c893aa737f09c5973a...