电脑重装Python后,重新打开Pycharm执行python,发现报错:Cannot run program "C:\Users\***\Python36\python.exe" (in directory "E:\www\python_tony\spider"): CreateProcess error=2, 系统找不到指定的文件。 原因分析: Pycharm默认配置路径还是之前的3.6版本python,但是已经重装为python 3.11.6,且原来的版本...
Pycharm报错:Error running ‘XXX‘: Cannot run program “XXX\python.exe“ (in directory “XXX“) 1.看一下报错时的路径,与环境不对应时即说明有问题 2.退出pycharm——找到项目文件,删除.idea隐藏文件——重新打开项目
在使用PyCharm运行python代码时报错: Error running testone: Cannot run program "D:\python.exe" (in directory "E:"): CreateProcess error=2, 系统找不到指定的文件。 1.png 原因分析 PyCharm中使用的python版本不对。 解决办法 依次点击File>Settings 2.png 在出现的Settings页面左侧找到Project>Project Int...
Pycharm中使用Anaconda环境时,使用autopep8(菜单 Tools=》External Tools=》),提示错误“Cannot run program "autopep8" (in directory "xxx")"等的解决办法?参考:使用pep8报“Error running 'autopep8': Cannot run program "autopep8" (in directory "xxx"): CreateProcess error=2, 系统找不到指定的文件...
When I go to run scripts in the terminal, I get an error in a red box that says Pycharm cannot run program C:\Anaconda\python.exe (in directory E:\etc... CreateProcessError=2 The System cannot find the file specified. I have uninstalled Anaconda and reinstalled it. I have also r...
把phpstorm->file->setting->version control->subversion->general中两个选中的复选框取消后,保存设置后,再重新checkout就可以了。
从Github上clone代码后,在Pycharm中打开,右下角就一直提示“Cannot Run Git”,实际已安装客户端 解决办法也很简单,在设置项配置Git的安装目录即可
Cannot run program “svn” (in directory “E:\phpStudy\WWW\nov”): CreateProcess error=2, 系统找不到指定的文件。phpstorm 一般遇到phpstorm出现SVN部署问题的时候,会碰到两种情况,第一种就是常见的(废话不多说上图): 取消勾选就可以了。不过重点来了,今天... ...
pycharm python error Cannot run program "C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python head to file>sittings>"python interpreter"> in the window that just opened change the directory. select the other one and hit apply and ...