1、起因 在编写完一个py文件之后,点击执行,出现以下错误: Error:Python interpreter is not selected. Please setup Python interpreter first. 原因在于,我们还未设置Python解释器 2、解决 ①为pycharm设置一个默认python解释器: Settings→Project:pypro→Python Interpreter→Add Interpreter→Add Local Interpreter Envir...
点击靠右的小车轮图标->Add..->SSH Interpreter 在host里输入你的服务器的ip地址,username里输入你的服务器账号名称,点击Next 继续输入你的服务器密码,点击Next 点击finish 点击Project Interpreter 所在一栏靠右的下拉菜单,你就可以看到,你可用的python解释器,选中一个就可以了。选完之后,点击屏幕下方的APPLY和OK 到...
interpreter选你安装的python,如果没有,点后面的add添加。如果下面显示了你安装的包就是正确的 这是点add后的界面,如果没有python.exe的路径,可以看看下面几个选项,我好像是改了一下system interpreter就好了 system interpreter 系统解释器,需要改成你下载的python的exe文件,路径可通过cmd输入where python寻找。【2024...
enter its path in the option “existing”. The IDE might suggest to add the interpreter of your .venv of the working directory if already created. If not suggested or not working after adding, enter its
If PyCharm show me this notification (or solve this problem itself) it will be cool. But now, I can't repeat this problem because when I try to move my project and open it in PyCharm and change project interpreter - all working good. Pleasesign into leave a comment....
SelectAdd Local Interpreter. The following actions depend on whether you want to generate a new virtual environment or to use an existing one. ClickOKto complete the task. If PyCharm displays theInvalid environmentwarning, it means that the specified Python binary cannot be found in the file sy...
首先,我们需要打开PyCharm并导航到"File"(文件)->“Settings”(设置)菜单。在弹出的对话框中,展开"Project"(项目)->“Project Interpreter”(项目解释器)选项。 接下来,我们可以看到当前项目所使用的Python解释器。如果提示"Please select a valid Python interpreter",我们需要点击右侧的"Add"(添加)按钮。
You can find the executable for running PyCharm in the installation directory underbin. To use this executable as the command-line launcher, add it to your systemPATHas described inCommand-line interface. In the command line, execute the following command to set thePYCHARM_PYTHON_PATHvariable: ...
1. 打开或新建一个python项目后,以项目GNS为例,点击:Settings -> Project Interpreter -> Add 2. 添加并配置一个SSH Interpreter:配置环境的Host、Port、Username均来之AutoDL中实例中的SSH登录指令。 如SSH登录指令为ssh -p 11223root@123.123.321.321,则Host为123.123.321.321,port为11223, Username为root。
In PyCharm 2021.1 we implemented the Python Packages tool window to provide you with the quickest and neatest way to preview and install packages for the currently selected Python interpreter. This window is enabled by default, and you can find it in the lower group of the tool windows. At ...