(venv_3.7.5) ✘ CarltonXu@CarltonXus-MacBook-Pro [ /tmp ] # uncompyle6 /tmp/python-exe-unpacker/unpacked/SMS-Agent.exe/sms_agent.pyc > /tmp/python-exe-unpacker/unpacked/SMS-Agent.exe/sms_agent.py Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/CarltonXu/workspace/venv_3.7.5/lib...
进入要运行的工程目录下。 使用python **.py来运行相应文件。 注意:有的时候会提示Python不是内部命令,需要将python.exe所在目录添加到环境变量中。 方法二:使用PyCharm 点击File-Settings,然后配置相关的解释器,安装程序中相关的包即可。 运行结果为: 注意: 安装包的另一种方式可... ...
// 读取从pyz目录抽取的pyc文件的前4个字节作基准 pyz_dir = "./main.exe_extracted/PYZ-00.pyz_extracted" for pyc_file in os.listdir(pyz_dir): if pyc_file.endswith(".pyc"): file = f"{pyz_dir}/{pyc_file}" break with open(file, "rb") as f: head = f.read(4) // 补全入口类...
程序,比如python反编译,在线pyc反编译等uncompyle6,是python脚本,故而可以批量运行,使用方法为uncompyle6file.pyceasypythondecompiler等...可执行文件很容易被反编译,而像C,C++这样的编译型语言得到的可执行文件,则较难被反编译。反编译pyinstaller 产生的可执行文件,可以分为两个步骤,一是由可执行文件获取pyc(pyo...
at IronPython.Runtime.PythonContext.InitializeModule(String fileName, ModuleContext moduleContext, ScriptCode scriptC ode, ModuleOptions options) 为什么找不到模块“ os”?我该如何解决此问题,以便获得可以正常运行的EXE? (请注意,这与IronPython无法导入模块os的问题不同,因为如果使用 ...
saveopts save supplied options to setup.cfg or other config file setopt set an option in setup.cfg or another config file test run unit tests after in-place build (deprecated) upload_docs Upload documentation to sites other than PyPi such as devpi ...
Bytecode from python version 1.0 to upto 3.3 are supported. You can either decompile a single file or a whole directory. Recursing into sub-directories is not yet supported. There are are two engines which performs the actual decompilation. ...
On the other hand, to be able to run the extracted .pyc file, you will need the same Python version used to generate the .exe, or at least the same major version (although it is highly probable you could still get some issues or crashes if the version doesn't match the original byte...
python -O -m py_compile file.py 如果是GUI程序不需要控制台窗口,可以新建一个pyw文件用于调用主pyc程序。pyw中只需要导入pyc程序即可。 发布源码py 发布源码一般是开源项目使用的,没什么需要说明的。直接发py文件就可以了,只要对方有环境就可以运行。
path.join(pth, filename) new_filename = f"{filename}.cpython-{sys.version[:3]}" dst_path = os.path.join(python_exe, *root.replace(src_dir, '').split(os.sep), new_filename) try: shutil.move(full_path, dst_path) print(f'Successfully moved and renamed {full_path} to {dst_...