针对你遇到的“pyautogui was unable to import pyscreeze”问题,可以按照以下步骤进行排查和解决: 1. 确认pyautogui和pyscreeze库的安装状态 首先,你需要确认pyautogui和pyscreeze库是否已经正确安装在你的Python环境中。可以通过以下命令来检查它们是否已安装: bash pip list | grep pyautogui pip list | grep...
1.“PyAutoGUI was unable to import pyscreeze. (This is likely because you’re running a version of Python that Pillow (which pyscreeze depends on) doesn’t support currently.) Please install this module to enable the function you tried to call.” pyautogui.PyAutoGUIException: PyAutoGUI ...
pyautogui.screenshot('test.png') 报错:PyAutoGUI was unable to import pyscreeze (This is likely because you're running...根据提示需要import pyscreeze还需要Pillow.通过pip3 list可以查看到已经安装PyScreeze==0.1.29但是不是我手动安装的,应该是Pillow或者pyautogui下载的时候依赖了pyscreeze并且安装了...
line 1, in module import pyautogui File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\lib\site-packages\pyautogui\__init__.py", line 221, in locateOnWindow.__doc__ = pyscreeze.locateOnWindow.__doc__ AttributeError: module 'pyscreeze' has no attribute 'locateOnWindow' ...
1.6MB 57kB/s Collecting pyscreeze (from pyautogui) Downloading PyScreeze-0.1.14.tar...
_couldNotImportPyScreeze #884 openedSep 10, 2024byTruerui Bug with calling locateCenterOnScreen in a loop #883 openedAug 31, 2024byforsthetwo incompatible with numpy >= 2 #882 openedAug 30, 2024byLeanderKafemann 5 Wayland apps do not update the mouse position ...
install pillow来尝试pillow库,它具有getpixel()函数。你必须先截图,但幸运的是pyautogui已经覆盖了:
python pyautogui AttributeError: module 'pyscreeze' has no attribute 'locateOnWindow' 安装好pyautogui 后测试脚本报错如标题 这个报错百度查询是版本过高导致的,于是尝试降低版本解决 #卸载原先版本pip uninstall pyautogui#安装指定版本pip install -ihttps://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/simple/pyautogui==0.9...