Steps to reproduce I am attempting to use pyaudioop as a replacement for audioop which is deprecated and slated for removal in Python 3.13 I am using the rms method to get a volume level. I found an issue here #725 that seems to address ...
你遇到了ModuleNotFoundError,表明Python无法找到名为pyaudioop的模块。这通常意味着该模块不存在于你的Python环境中,或者你没有正确安装它。 更正模块名称: 实际上,你可能想要导入的是Python标准库中的audioop模块,而不是一个不存在的pyaudioop模块。audioop模块提供了多种操作音频数据的函数,如处理PCM音频数据等。 ...
Breadcrumbs pydub /pydub / pyaudioop.pyTop File metadata and controls Code Blame 550 lines (372 loc) · 12.7 KB Raw try: from __builtin__ import max as builtin_max from __builtin__ import min as builtin_min except ImportError: from builtins import max as builtin_max from builtins...