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pyalgotrade tailored for Chinese stock market. Contribute to Yam-cn/pyalgotrade-cn development by creating an account on GitHub.
合并所有本地化的模块到/cn文件夹中,方便大家使用和跟原版进行对比。 pyalgotrade本体升级为0.18. 加入对tick行情结构的支持,见/stratlib/orderbook.pyPyalgotrade-cn 在原版的基础上加入了A股历史行情回测,并整合了tushare提供实时行情。以便大家对自己的策略进行回测和模拟测试。
pyalgotrade samples stratlib testcases tools travis .gitignore .travis.yml CHANGELOG Desktop.ini LICENSE.txt MANIFEST.in README README.md build_sdist.sh cleanup.sh coverage.cfg release-checklist.txt setup.cfg setup.py Breadcrumbs pyalgotrade-cn ...
setup.py initial commit Jan 24, 2016 Repository files navigation README License Pyalgotrade-cn 在原版的基础上加入了A股历史行情回测,并整合了tushare提供实时行情。以便大家对自己的策略进行回测和模拟测试。 本次更新的内容: 引入tushare实时行情 stratlib提供了两个经典策略(DT, Bollinger_bandit) 历史行情下载...
#!/usr/bin/env python # PyAlgoTrade # # Copyright 2011-2015 Gabriel Martin Becedillas Ruiz # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http...
PyAlgoTrade is an event driven algorithmic trading Python library. Although the initial focus was on backtesting, paper trading is now possible using: Bitstamp for Bitcoins and live trading is now possible using: Bitstamp for Bitcoins To get started with PyAlgoTrade take a look at the tutori...
PyAlgoTrade 是一个支持事件驱动的算法交易 Python 库,支持: 使用来自 CSV 文件的历史数据进行回测。 使用Bitstamp实时数据进行模拟交易。 在Bitstamp 上进行真实交易。 它还应该使得使用多台计算机优化策略变得容易。 PyAlgoTrade 是使用 Python 2.7/3.7 开发和测试的,依赖于: ...
原文:gbeced.github.io/pyalgotrade/docs/v0.20/html/sample_market_timing.html 这个示例是基于市场定时/GTAA 模型的描述: mebfaber.com/timing-model/ papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=962461 该策略支持分析每个资产类别中的多个工具,并选择过去一个月收益最高的那个。
from pyalgotrade.stratanalyzer import returns, sharpe, drawdown, trades (2)构实例化一个指标的类 [python]view plaincopy sharpe_ratio = sharpe.SharpeRatio() (3)向策略中添加这个指标类 [python]view plaincopy myStrategy.attachAnalyzer(sharpe_ratio) ...