value): if value==True: print(f"handle: {handle}") print(f"name: {name}") print(f"timestamp: {timestamp}") print(f"value: {value}") print(plc.read_by_name(f"GVL_MyValues.MyRealValue", plc_datatype=pyads.PLCTYPE_REAL)) ...
importpyads# connect to plc and open connectionplc=pyads.Connection('',pyads.PORT_TC3PLC1) read int value by namei=plc.read_by_name("GVL.int_val")# write int value by nameplc.write_by_name("GVL.int_val",i)# close connectionplc.close() ...
read_by_name('global.sample_string', pyads.PLCTYPE_STRING)'Hello World'>>> plc.write_by_name('global.sample_string', 'abc', pyads.PLCTYPE_STRING)>>> plc.read_by_name(adr, 'global.sample_string', pyads.PL Read and write values by address Read and write UDINT variables by address.
1) into i from tb_jhde t where zydm=-1这样就能够把获得的合计值存储到变量 i中,假设查...
(data_type).__name__ == "PyCArrayType": # if getattr(data_type, "__raw__", False): # return data # else: # return [i for i in data] # buffer.__raw__ = True print(timeit.timeit("""data = c.read_by_name("MAIN.fbDataBuffer_array1.aTransferBuffer", buffer)""", ...
(name, pyads.PLCTYPE_DINT) elif plc_type == "udi": return self.con.read_by_name(name, pyads.PLCTYPE_UDINT) elif plc_type == "r": return self.con.read_by_name(name, pyads.PLCTYPE_REAL) def run(self): sec_prev = -1 self.cycle_time = 0 while True: try: # LOGGING SENSOR ...
The other day I was trying to connect to a Beckhoff CX5120 PLC running windows and TC3 runtime. We managed to connect via a windows machine and read back some PLC variables. Our master machine is a Linux PC so windows is no option in this case. ... pyads Pyads is a pure python implementation for Beckhoff ADS protocol. You can send typical ADS-commands like read/write over TCP/IP. No other libraries (or TwinCAT on Windows) are needed. Twincat and ADS are developed by Beckhoff ( I'm not ...