[project.urls] Homepage = "https://tree-sitter.github.io/tree-sitter/" Source = "https://github.com/UNIST-LOFT/py-tree-sitter" [[project.authors]] name = "Max Brunsfeld" email = "maxbrunsfeld@gmail.com" [tool.ruff] target-version = "py38" line-length = 100 indent-width = 4 ...
"""Py-Tree-sitter""" from platform import system from setuptools import Extension, setup setup( packages=["tree_sitter"], include_package_data=False, package_data={ "tree_sitter": ["py.typed", "*.pyi"] }, ext_modules=[ Extension( name="tree_sitter._binding", sources=[ "tree_sitter...
import tree_sitter_python as tspython from tree_sitter import Language, Parser PY_LANGUAGE = Language(tspython.language()) Basic parsing Create a Parser and configure it to use a language: parser = Parser(PY_LANGUAGE) Parse some source code: tree = parser.parse( bytes( """ def foo(): ...
Breadcrumbs py-tree-sitter /examples / usage.pyTop File metadata and controls Code Blame 177 lines (134 loc) · 4.44 KB Raw from tree_sitter import Language, Parser import tree_sitter_python PY_LANGUAGE = Language(tree_sitter_python.language()) parser = Parser(PY_LANGUAGE) # parsing a st...
Hi @paul-gauthier , thanks for your work on aider. I've been having a blast using it. This project uses https://github.com/grantjenks/py-tree-sitter-languages, but that project is unmaintained and has been for several months. This forces...
leezu / py-tree-sitter Public forked from tree-sitter/py-tree-sitter Notifications Fork 0 Star 0 Code Pull requests Actions Projects Security Insights Automate your workflow from idea to production GitHub Actions makes it easy to automate all your software workflows, now with world-...
py-tree-sitter-languagesprovides binary Python wheels for all tree sitter languages. The binary wheels remove the need to download and compile support for individual languages. Install pip install tree_sitter_languages Source installs are not supported. To see how the binary wheels are built, look...
Actions: tree-sitter/py-tree-sitter Actions All workflows CI Dependabot Updates Docs Upload to PyPI Management Caches Deployments Attestations CI ci.yml 291 workflow runs Event Status Branch Actor fix(query): handle errors in predicates CI #466: Commit 65b0c2a pushed by...
Binary Python wheels for all tree sitter languages. py-tree-sitter is a fantastic library that provides Python bindings for the even more fantastic tree-sitter parsing library. py-tree-sitter-languages provides binary Python wheels for all tree sitter languages. The binary wheels remove the need ...
Python bindings to the Tree-sitter parsing library - Release v0.22.0 · tree-sitter/py-tree-sitter