b = eval(a) b Out[11]: ([1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8], (9, 0))强大吧,给个字符串给eval,eval给你一个表达式返回值。 eval的语法格式如下: eval(expression[, globals[, locals]]) expression : 字符串 globals : 变量作用域,全局命名空间,如果被提供,则必须是一个字典对象。 loca...
#print "Result is:", eval(s, {"__builtins__": None}, {"abs": abs}) # safest $ ./test.py Input expression: __import__('os').system('dir') # 可以执行系统命令,包括rm Input expression: open('foobar').read() # 可以读取文件 Input expression: globals() # 查看可以执行的函数,或...
13. eval(expression[,global[,locals]]) eval()函数将expression字符串作为python标准表达式进行分析并求值,返回expression字符串的值,当不可调用其他可选参数时,expression访问调用该函数的程序段的全局和局部对象。另一个选择是:以字典形式给出全局和局部符号表(参见后面部分对global()和local()函数的论述)。 Eval(...
NumExpr: Fast numerical expression evaluator for NumPy Author: David M. Cooke, Francesc Alted, and others. Maintainer: Francesc Alted Contact: faltet@gmail.com URL: https://github.com/pydata/numexpr Documentation: http://numexpr.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ GitHub Actions: PyPi: DOI: readthe...
File "C:\Program Files (x86)\eclipse\plugins\org.python.pydev_2.7.4.2013051601\pysrc\pydevd_vars.py", line 376, in evaluateExpression result = eval(compiled, updated_globals, frame.f_locals) File "<string>", line 1, in <module> ...
The Pythonevalstatement is used to execute the code in an inline code tag. The result of the expression evaluation is converted into a string (withstr) and the code tag is replaced with it. Multiline code tags span multiple lines. The presence of one or more newline (\n) characters bet...
["expression"].update(expr)elif event == "←":expr = values["expression"]if len(expr)>0:expr = expr[:-1]if not expr:expr = "0"window["expression"].update(expr)elif event == "1/x":try:expr = eval("1/"+values["expression"])window["expression"].update(expr)except Exception ...
Execute Javascript code. The last evaluated expression is returned. If callback function is supplied, then promises are resolved and the callback function is called with the result as a parameter. Javascript types are converted to Python types, eg. JS objects to dicts, arrays to lists, undefine...
If the expression is valid and contains only allowed codes, return the compiled code object. Otherwise raise a ValueError """ import dis allowed_codes = [dis.opmap[c] for c in allowed_codes if c in dis.opmap] try: c = compile(expr, "", "eval") except SyntaxError: raise ValueError...
pywebio.session.eval_js(expression) 警告 虽然PyWebIO的协程会话兼容标准库asyncio中的awaitable objects,但asyncio库不兼容PyWebIO协程会话中的awaitable objects. 也就是说,无法将PyWebIO中的awaitable objects传入asyncio中的接受awaitable objects作为参数的函数中,比如如下调用是不被支持的 await asyncio.shield(...