PXN-2119II PRO Features: 1. The built-in vibration dual motor can experience the vibration generated by real air flow, and let you experience it. 2. The right rocker can be used separately, and the action key can be programmed according to personal usage habits. ...
莱仕达无极II代方向盘 PXN-V18II参数页面提供真实的莱仕达无极II代方向盘 PXN-V18II配置、功能、规格以及性能参数信息,方便您快速高效的了解莱仕达无极II代方向盘 PXN-V18II。
JoystickDriver 通过DirectInput技术实现针对莱仕达雷驰V3II游戏方向盘编程,可以实时的获取方向盘的数据 上传者:wolfmvp时间:2017-05-19 莱仕达无极3 PXN-V18S游戏方向盘驱动 官方最新版 莱仕达无极3驱动是莱仕达旗下一款产品无极3 PXN-V18S方向盘驱动程序,这款产品属于有线振动游戏方向盘,而且带独立手刹/挂档,很多玩...
PXN-2119II PRO Features: 1. The built-in vibration dual motor can experience the vibration generated by real air flow, and let you experience it. 2. The right rocker can be used separately, and the action key can be programmed according to personal usage habits. ...