PXIe-6570 Specifications These specifications apply to thePXIe-6570. When using thePXIe-6570in the Semiconductor Test System, refer to theSemiconductor Test System Specifications. Definitions Warrantedspecifications describe the performance of a model under stated operating conditions and are covered by the...
General and Usage PXIe-6570 Specifications Visual Diagrams PXIe-6570 Dimensional Drawing(s) Regulatory PXIe-6570 Product Certification(s) PXIe-6570 Letter of Volatility Solutions Academic & Research Aerospace, Defense, & Government Electronics Energy Industrial Machinery Life Sciences Semicon...
NI PXIe-6570/1 的規範說明了它的邊沿定時屬性,如下圖所示,尤其是“ Edge Placement resolution 39.0625 ps”,我如何在真實世界中驗證這個指標呢?1. 打開 NI Digital Pattern Editor,配置必要的設定檔如下: PinMap:Specifications:PinLevels:Timing:Pattern:配置好後,現在我們得到兩個上升沿相對延遲500ps數位通道的...
我想生成时间延迟分辨率小于1ns的多通道脉冲信号,我可以用什么仪器?NI PXIe-6570/1 的规范说明了它的边沿定时属性,如下图所示,尤其是“ Edge Placement resolution 39.0625 ps”,我如何在真实世界中验证这个指标呢?1. 打开 NI Digital Pattern Editor,配置必要的配置文件如下:PinMap:Specifications:PinLevels:Timing:...
The following setup and environmental conditions are required to ensure the PXIe-6570/6571 meets published specifications. Keep connections to the device as short as possible. Long cables and wires act as antennas, picking up extra noise that can affect measurements. ...