PXIe, 4.1 GHz Quad-Core or 3.9 GHz 8-Core or 3 GHz 18-Core PXI Controller The PXIe-8881 is an Intel Xeon 8-Core embedded controller for PXI Express systems, You can use this PXI Controller for processor-intensive RF, modular instrumentation, and data acquisition applications. The PXIe‑...
PXIe-8881 PXIe-8822 PXIe-8842 PXIe-8862 Is it possible to replace the hard drive in my PXI/PXIe or USRP embedded controller? What kind of hard drive do I need to replace the hard drive of my PXI/PXIe controller?How do I replace my PXI/PXIe controller hard drive? Can NI recommend...
PXIe-8881 PXIe-8822 PXIe-8842 PXIe-8862 Is it possible to replace the hard drive in my PXI/PXIe or USRP embedded controller? What kind of hard drive do I need to replace the hard drive of my PXI/PXIe controller?How do I replace my PXI/PXIe controller hard drive? Can NI recommend...
PXIe-8881 Firmware and Additional Drivers provides support for the PXIe-8881 PXI Controller.+ Read More Downloads Supported OS Windows Firmware Type Firmware Version 25.0.0f1 Included Editions Full Application Bitness 64-bit Language English View Release Notes PXIe-8881 Firmware ...
PXIe-8881 是一款 3.9GHz PXI 控制器。它是用于 PXI Express 系统的英特尔至强 8 核嵌入式控制器。用户可将 PXIe-8881 用于处理器密集型射频、模块化仪器和数据采集应用。PXIe-8881 包括两个 10/100/1000BASE-TX (千兆)以太网端口、两个 USB 3.0 端口、四个 USB 2.0 端口以及一个集成硬盘和其他外设 I/O...
TIONS PXIe-8881 Note Specifications are subject to change without notice.Caution Using the PXIe-8881 controller in a manner not described in this user manual can impair the protection the controller provides.Note The PXIe-8881 requires a chassis with 82 W per slot cooling capacity.Features ...
一个PXI系统由几项组件所组成,包含了一个机箱、一个PXI背板(backplane)、系统控制器(System controller module)以及数个外设模块(Peripheral modules)。在此以一个高度为3U的八槽PXI系统为例。系统控制器,也就是CPU模块,位于机箱的左边槽,其左方预留了三个扩充槽位给系统控制器使用,以便插入因功能复杂而体积较大的...
NI PXIE-8840QC PXI控制器 controller module PXIe-1095 PLC系统 NI品牌 厦门雄霸电子商务有限公司漳州分公司 4年 查看详情 ¥300.00/个 广东深圳 NI-PXIE-8861 控制器 2.8 GHz 嵌入式四核.8 785831-0118 在线交易 少货必赔 嵌入式 深圳市金玺博远科技有限公司 3年 查看详情 ¥300.00/个 广东...
„PXIe-8881 Firmware and Additional Drivers“ bietet Unterstützung für den PXI-Controller PXIe-8881.+ Mehr lesen Downloads Unterstütztes OS Windows Firmware-Typ Firmware Version 25.0.0f1 Enthaltene Editionen Full Bitanzahl der Anwendung 64 Bit Sprache Englisch Versionshinweis...
Calibrate the PXIe-5842 using Calibration Executive. The PXIe-5842 composite device consists of the PXIe-5655 and PXIe-5842 modules. Therefore, the PXIe-5655 that is associated with PXIe-5842 under test will be verified and adjusted as a part of this procedure along with the PXIe-5842 module...