PXE-E16: No valid offer received. The SMSPXE.log will reveal something like the following : <![LOG[Warning: Matching Processor Boot Program (11) not found]LOG]!> The reason why is fairly simple, there’s no support currently for imaging Surface Pro X via SCCM or MDT as explainedhere....
PXE-E16: No valid offer received We took a look at the SMSPXE.log file and it has not updated since March of 2020. So, I am confused where to go next. Any assistance would be appreciated. Attachments SMSPXE.log 9.5 KB · Views: 25 Sort by date Sort by votes AhmedLS Well-Known...
给用户备份桌面的资料,然后就可以开始重装系统了,不要太方便啊。12、顺便再说一个PXE启动故障的解决方法,在笔者写这篇文章的过程中,发现有的客户端无法从网卡启动,报错信息为:PXE-E16: No offer received,反复重启客户端,有一定的概率能启动,但这肯定不是我想要的结果;经过一翻研究,发现是服务器上WINS的...
start pxe over ipv6,然后IPV4之后出现pxe-e16:no offer received,然后才进入桌面,时长大概是1分钟左右,开机时间很长。请问该如何解决这一问题,求详细解答,谢谢.我用的是THINK PAD E531这是一道来自手机的问题 您的回答被采纳后将获得系统奖励20(财富值+经验值) +紧急提问奖励0(财富值+经验值) 我...