GPIO_Init(GPIOA, &GPIO_InitStruct);// 根据引脚图可知USART1的RX端是PA10// 初始化PA10为上拉输入GPIO_InitStruct.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_IPU; GPIO_InitStruct.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_10; GPIO_InitStruct.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz; GPIO_Init(GPIOA, &GPIO_InitStruct);// 配置USART1的发送...
GPIO GPIO_Config(); // 无限循环 while (1) { // 点亮LED,表示系统将进入停止模式 GPIO_SetBits(LED_PORT, LED_PIN); Delay(1000); // 等待1秒 // 关闭LED,准备进入停止模式 GPIO_ResetBits(LED_PORT, LED_PIN); // 进入停止模式 Enter_Stop_Mode(); // 唤醒后再次点亮LED,表示系统已唤醒 GPIO...
打开stm32f1xx_it.c中断服务函数文件,找到 EXTI0 中断的服务函数EXTI0_IRQHandler() 中断服务函数里面就调用了 GPIO 外部中断处理函数HAL_GPIO_EXTI_IRQHandler() 打开stm32f1xx_hal_gpio.c文件,找到外部中断处理函数原型HAL_GPIO_EXTI_IRQHandler(),其主要作用就是判断是几号线中断,清除中断标识位,然后调用中断回...
_IO uint8_t UserButtonStatus = 0;08/* USER CODE END PV */0910/* Private function ...
incaseoferroroccurrence.*@paramNone*@retvalNone*/voidError_Handler(void){printf("something wrong !!!\r\n");while(1){}}/***@briefEXTIlinedetectioncallbacks*@paramGPIO_Pin:SpecifiesthepinsconnectedEXTIline*@retvalNone*/voidHAL_GPIO_EXTI_Callback(uint16_tGPIO_Pin){UserButtonStatus=1;}/*USER...
Cc GPIO GPIO VCC GPIO SCL SDA Cc µC ADC_IN GPIO 0.1 µF 0.1 µF 100 0.01 µF Cfilter PMON_EN PACKDIV VC6 Cc Rc NC CHG_EN DSG_EN A 100 Rfilter PCHG NC CP_EN VC7 bq76940 VC5x Rc NC BAT Cf 10k bq76200 CHG VDDCP 0.1 µF Rb VSS 100 Rsns PACK- Figure 9-4....
GPIO_Pin = KEY2_GPIO_PIN; // 使用上面的结构体初始化按键 GPIO_Init(KEY2_GPIO_PORT, &GPIO_InitStructure); } (3) 使用库函数PWR_GetFlagStatus检测PWR_FLAG_WU标志位,当这个标志位为SET状态的时候,表示本次系统是从待机模式唤醒的复位, 否则可能是上电复位。我们利用这个区分两种复位形式,分别使用蓝色...
// 配置 IO为EXTI中断口,并设置中断优先级 void EXTI_Key_Config(void) { GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure; EXTI_InitTypeDef EXTI_InitStructure; // 开启按键GPIO口的时钟 RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(KEY1_INT_GPIO_CLK,ENABLE); // 配置 NVIC 中断 NVIC_Configuration(); /*---KEY1配置---*/ // 选择...
4.2.6 USB-to-GPIO Interface Adapter A communications adapter is required between the EVM and the host computer. This EVM is designed to use the Texas Instruments USB-to-GPIO adapter, see Figure 9. To purchase this adapter visit the TI usb- to-gpio tool page. 4.2.7 Recommended Wire Gauge...
This EVM does not include the USB-to-GPIO interface board. To evaluate the EVM, a USB-to-GPIO interface board must be ordered separately. 1.2 I/O Descriptions Table 2 lists the jumper connections available on this EVM. Jack J1–VBUS J1–GND J2–PMID1 J2–GND J3–SYS J3–GND J4–BAT...