Simulation is carried out using MATLAB SIMULINK and in the experimental work a prototype model is built to verify the simulation results. PIC microcontroller (PIC 16F877A) is used to generate the PWM pulses for FSTPI to drive the 0.5 hp 3-phase Induction Motor....
KHz PWM signal. By changing the Duty Cycle of control signal you can adjust the fan speed. Sense wire is used for monitoring the actual fan speed. Sense output will send 2 pulses per revolution. By counting the number of these pulses in a minute you can calculate fan RPM.PIC16F877A ...
decfsz i, F goto Delay_loop return ;*** ; Update Analog value using A/D conversion ;*** UpdateAnalogValue: bcf ADCON0, CHS0 ; select RA0 for analog input, POT value movlw 0x03 call Delayx10us ; delay for 30us bsf ADCON0, GO_DONE UAV_loop1: btfsc ADCON0, GO_DONE ; wait fo...
伺服电机是我们常用的一种电机,在本文的案例中,将学习如何使用单片机控制伺服电机,案例以PIC16F877A单片机作为接口的连接与控制示例。 2023-07-06 10:53:14 基于AT89C51单片机直流电机PWM调速程序分享 这是一款AT89C51单片机直流电机PWM调速程序,程序可以直接用于AT89C52、AT89S51、AT89S51,STC89C51、STC89C52单片机中,单片...
如果我们使用CCP模块,PIC16F877A 只能在引脚RC1和RC2产生PWM信号,由此我们可能会遇到需要更多引脚来实现PWM功能的情况。例如,我想控制6个RC伺服电机,CCP模块是不行的。于是在这种情况下,我们可以使用定时器模块对GPIO引脚进行编程以产生PWM信号,这样我们就可以产生尽可能多的PWM信号。还可以考虑其他硬件技术,比如使用多...
SPWM generation using pic16f877a Three phase sine wave inverter using Arduino Three phase SVPWM using Pic microcontroller Conclusion In conclusion, this tutorial provides an in-depth overview of pulse-width modulation. It covers a basic introduction along with the properties of PWM signals. Then we...
And the setting of relative registers of PWM regulating speed in PIC microcontroller was intro duced. The hard circuit and software design were g iven. Key words: PIC microcontroller; DC motor; PWM PIC16F877 是 Microchip 公司生产的 8 位单片机 功率因数高, 从而得到广泛应用。 耗小、产品, ...
Note that the above control only controls the upper 8 bits of the 10 bit PWM module (the other two bits are in a CCP1CON). Note the above code is part of theC programming course. P.S. One PIC PWM 'gotcha' is that the duty cycle for the PIC microcontroller is not the generic du...
The product arrived in good condition and as you had ordered them, I highly recommend this supplier! Very good attention and good quality product. PIC16F877A-I P IC MCU 8BIT 14KB FLASH DIP40 PIC16F877A $1.00-4.00 See product details Supplier's reply: thanks for your support,friend Help...
In this course, you will learn how we can use the PWM pins of a PIC16F877A microcontroller programmed using MikroC for PIC compiler. PWM libray in MikroC for PIC software is very well defined. PWM port is very useful when you need to control the speed of a DC motor or controling fa...