The test will be multiple choice, but don’t be fooled into thinking this makes it easy. You’ll have a tight time limit in which to answer the questions, so it’s important to find a balance between speed and accuracy. PwC video interview ...
You will then have a few days to complete the video interview. It is fully mobile-adapted and there is an app for both iOS and Android devices. While you are preparing, check your set-up and practice your answers to gain more confidence. Our recruiter will ask you a few questions in ...
Step 2: Video interview Bring your application to life and be your authentic self For Administrative, Specialist, Associate, and Senior Associate roles, we use on-demand video interviews. Hirevue provides you with a convenient, efficient and unbiased application process, saving you time and giving ...
There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to pass the PwC assessment test may vary depending on your individual strengths and weaknesses. However, there are some ways to improve your chances: study hard for the tests, practise answering interview questions, and ...