不过要注意,无PR留学生可以申请的岗位只包含全职Graduate Program,实习Vacationer Program暂时还不面向无PR申请者开放哈。 图/实习项目暂不面对留学生开放 Graduate Program开放岗位涵盖Assurance、Consulting、Strategy and Transactions、Tax、People Advisory Services五大岗位类别,覆盖的城市包含悉尼、墨尔本、布里斯班等地。
二是看起来是纯粹的 Technology Consulting,以我接触过的大多数小朋友来看,和他们心目中理想的 Consultin...
总共开了12个Graduate Program只有雷丁一个Audit给签证 Summer:要求倒数第二年毕业,还有10个,来自 Audit(CoE) | Tax | Digital Audit 三个组,6-8月/7-9月去做,一半以上机会转正 Women in Business(短期实习):还有12个岗位招聘,分别来自:Tax | Audit(CoE) | Audit | Operate | Tax(Risk) | Actuarial |...
图/Deloitte官网 除了传统的Audit & Assurance、Consulting、Risk Advisory等6类岗位之外,还新增了技术类的岗位需求,IT专业的同学也可以冲一把了! 图/Deloitte官网 申请限制也相对宽松,2020-2023届均可找到对应项目申请: 2020-22届毕业生可申请Graduate Program。 2023届本科生、研究生可申请Vacation Internship Program(...
What job functions are there for the PwC graduate programme? There are various job functions available under the PwC graduate scheme, some of these are: Assurance (Audit) Graduate Programme Consulting Graduate Programme Tax Graduate Programme
About our Graduate Program Grow your career, develop your skills and create yourself. On our Consulting Graduate Program you'll be making an impact from day one, working with a fantastic community of solvers to tackle the world's most important problems ...
As an MBA graduate, you will embark on a consulting career within one of our broad industry areas. As a professional within Consulting Services, you will interact with senior level clients, manage team tasks, create solutions and methodologies, as well as help develop proposals and thought leader...
[面试] CSI-SH-US Tax Consulting面试时间线 kico26113 2022-3-20 01:23 61869 落雁夕梨7595 2022-3-22 12:01 [问答] 春招Vi面完,多久会有消息? ShueyWang 2022-3-20 16:32 3551 18958173777 2022-3-20 18:26 [问答] 普华珠海所春招 惊恐十5784柯妮丽娅 2022-3-20 09:31 0253 惊恐十5784柯妮丽娅...
All Bachelor or Master students graduated in 2023, 2024 and those who will graduate in 2025 are welcome, regardless of what major they are in. Apply now Clear Line Application journey Online Application Online Assessment Meet with PwC PwC Superday ...
デジタルシフト、データ活用、個別化医療の進展など、製薬・ヘルスケア業界を取り巻く環境変化は新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)の拡大を契機に加速しています。私たちHealth Industries Advisory(HIA)チームはそのような外部環境を捉えつつ、クライアントとともに医療に変革・発展をもたらす...