Innovation and R&D are inexhaustible driving force and core competitiveness for long-term and sustainable development of an enterprise. Chinese government attaches great importance to the role of R&D investment by enterprises in national economy, and introduces a series of R&D incentive programs. ...
Manage your project by monitoring your progress, keep surveys moving, and interact with SMEs Expect heavy lift from new R&D credit form Are you a company with R&D activity? The IRS has said that soon it plans to release a final revised Form 6765 that companies use to claim the research cre...
Research & development Manufacturing A combination of regulatory, market, scientific, and technological forces is likely to mean that pharmaceutical manufacturing will undergo rapid change in the next five to ten years. Many companies are already investing in change projects, but they are often piecemea...
Growth and development Workspace of the future Wellness and benefits We’re a diverse community of solvers coming together to build trust in society and solve important problems. We create and innovate based on the shared purpose, with that, it also encourages us to collaborate with others, embra...
Job Profile Summary A career in our Research and Development practice, within Ta 普华永道中天会计师 投资/融资不需要融资10000人以上 数据安全咨询顾问13-17K 北京朝阳区京广桥1-3年本科 1. 负责收集、梳理客户的数据安全合规需求,结合行业实践提供数据安全咨询服务,包括但不限于数据安全分级分类、数据资产风险...
From 2014 to 2022, PwC China and the China Development Research Foundation jointly published nine issues of the "Chinese Cities of Opportunity" report. This report is a series of studies observing the development process and opportunities of Chinese cities from a global perspective. It provides comp...
Be open to the possibilities in every concept. Innovation and learning to try new ideas. Now, you will need to do much more research than this to write a good resume to fit PwC’s expectations. Check out some of our research pointers below!
Analysis byPricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) showsthat several regions offer considerablepromise, either as places with untappeddemand for effective drugs or assuitable areas for conducting researchand development (R&D) and/or clinicaltrials. In this paper we shall examine theopportunities available in India...
Conducts statistical modeling and experiment design. Discovers “stories” told by the data and presents them to other scientists and business managers. Tests and validates predictive models. Builds web prototypes and performs data visualization. Conducts scalable data research on and off the cloud. Imp...
Support research, analysis and problem solving using a variety of tools and techniques. Produce high quality work which adheres to the relevant professional standards. Keep up-to-date with technical developments for area of specialism. Handle, manipulate and analyse data and information responsibly. ...