We work with our clients in their strategy and transformation journey by aligning their business, climate and sustainability priorities to accelerate growth and create future-proof business models. Our net zero transformation services spans from governan
PwC has made a worldwide commitment to achieve net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions with 2030 goals. This approach to sustainability reaches beyond our operations, to also influence innovative solutions and sustainable decisions up and down our value chain and in the broader market. ...
The network's net zero goal includes a science based target aligned with a 1.5°C trajectory. PwC commits to reducing its total greenhouse gas emissions by 50% in absolute terms by 2030. This includes a switch to 100% renewable electricity in all territories, as well as energy efficiency imp...
Event Agenda a.2:00 pm – Opening speech by PwC representative b.2:05 – PwC expert presentation: Getting to Net Zero c.2:25 – Savills case study presentation: Getting your Premises to LEED and WELL Certification: it’s...
For more information, please contactevents.associate@austcham.org Event Agenda a.2:00 pm – Opening speech by PwC representative b.2:05 – PwC expert presentation: Getting to Net Zero c.2:25 – Savills case study presentation...
简单说一下号称compact but effective CNN model的光流学习网络PWC-Net[1]. 该网络基于三个简单但是由来已久的原则:金字塔式处理(pyramidal processing);基于上一层习得的光流偏移下一层特征,逐层学习下一层细部光流(warping);设计代价容量函数(cost volume). 尽管PWC-Net的网络尺寸比flownet2小了17倍(Flownet2需要...
Avatar-Net: Multi-Scale Zero-Shot Style Transfer by Feature Decoration CVPR code 58 Optimizing the Latent Space of Generative Networks ICML code 58 Multi-Shot Pedestrian Re-Identification via Sequential Decision Making CVPR code 58 Decorrelated Batch Normalization CVPR code 56 ScanComplete: Large-Scale...
Zero-Order Reverse Filtering ICCV code 22 Interspecies Knowledge Transfer for Facial Keypoint Detection CVPR code 22 Domain-Adaptive Deep Network Compression ICCV code 22 Variational Walkback: Learning a Transition Operator as a Stochastic Recurrent Net NIPS code 21 Exploiting Saliency for Object Segmenta...
PwC has made a worldwide commitment to achieve net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions with 2030 goals. The PwC network will work with its clients to support their efforts, contribute to public policy developments in support of net zero and decarbonise
1:39 Video Where to focus your climate actions From decarbonising and managing your energy demand, to uncovering data and implementing new technology, unlock value and deliver business impact by taking action on climate. Net zero & decarbonisation ...