Risk Assurance Senior Associate(Auto)-Cybersecurity-Risk Assurance - Beijing Risk Assurance Senior Associate - FS - Risk Assurance-Beijing ESG Processing Officer (Contract) - Hong Kong TAX Transfer Pricing - Transfer Pricing Generalist - Associate/Senior Associate 2 Explore more opportunities Actuarial...
普华永道(PWC)audit associate工资待遇,在职朋职业圈上已有10位圈友现身分享:audit associate平均工资为10021元/月,其中58%的工资收入位于区间9000-12000元/月,16%的工资收入位于区间6000元/月以下。据分享数据统计,普华永道(PWC)audit associate平均年终奖为14416元。
普华永道(PWC)audit associate面试题 主要问了几个问题: 1、Why PwC? 2、Why Assurance? 3、Why GZ? 4、你能接受出差吗? 5、你对四大的加班怎么看 ? 6、你怎么平衡工作与生活的平衡? 其余主要是考察我们的谈吐综合素质等。 Tax Associate面试经验(北京) - 普华永道(PWC) 2021-05-28 20:52:59 | 校...
We focus on using the latest technology to reduce the level of manual testing ensuring you’ll focus on the most valuable areas of client service and on enhancing corporate governance and the reliability of our clients’ information. As a Senior Associate, you will have a key role on audit a...
普华永道(PwC) PWC TAX AC 面经第一次发帖子,有点小慌的说6号去面了PWC,下午一点半的,新天地旁边,进去发现是tax场的,记得申的是audit,莫名的问associate,他们惊讶:诶?人家都是tax refer to audit , 你怎么和人家反的?囧。。。好不容易找到队友,四个女孩子,更囧,就我一个男的,一个ms财大的,一个ms...
Working and liaising with other members of the audit team and colleagues in other parts of the firm as necessary to provide a high quality client service Strong business awareness, sound reporting skills and the ability to work under your own initiative ...
progress in our careers, now and in the future. As an Associate/Senior Associate, you'll work as part of a team of problem solvers, helping to solve complex business issues from strategy to execution. PwC Professional skills and responsibilities for this management level include but are not ...
(Audit) departments and work on a huge range of clients across the region. In this regional business unit that operates in Multiple locations in the ME region, we perform specific audit and administrative activities. Our digital services are developed with a process-driven approach with ...
You will join our Assurance or Risk Assurance and share the same working experience, training and development as our Associates. High achievers who meet the performance criteria will stand a chance to be admitted as Associate Year 2 upon completion of the programme. ...
Associate (离职员工) - Milano - 2023年9月11日 Ambiente di crescita ma limitazione all'equilibrio vita-lavoro 优点 ufficio, colleghi, mansione 缺点 orari, stress, richiesta molta flessibilità 这篇点评对您有用吗? 是否 报告 分享 4.04.0星,满分5星。 Tante opportunità, ambiente s...