PW-Magazine is dedicated to the visibility of young practices in contemporary art, performance and music with a focus on the scenes in and around Vienna, Berlin and Zurich.
Release notes This repository is an updated version of stylegan2-ada-pytorch, with several new features: Alias-free generator architecture and training configurations (stylegan3-t, stylegan3-r). Tools for interactive visualization (, spectral analysis (, and video genera...
Notes: • The audible alarm may make a momentary "chirp" when the inverter is turned OFF. This same alarm may also sound when the inverter is being connected to or disconnected from the 12 volt battery bank. • When using an extension cord from the inverter to an appliance the ...
Notes: 1. Mounted on Cu - Pad size 5mm x 5mm 2. T J = 25°C prior to surge BZD27C11PW H – BZD27C220PW H Tai wan Semiconductor 2 Version: A 2 103 THERMAL PERFORMANCE P ARAMETER S YMBOL TYP UNIT Junction - to - lead thermal resistance R Ө J L 22 °C /W Junction - ...
NetBox 3.0.0 or above is required The Bitnami Redis sub-chart was upgraded from 12.x to 15.x; please read the upstream upgrade notes if you are using the bundled Redis The cacheTimeout and releaseCheck.timeout settings were removed
NameDescriptionAdditionalNotes padStart.frmTTAdvantagedefaultstoModifiablecomponent. padStartonstartinginToaddmoreformstotheproject,seeTT scriptmodeunlessAdvantageFormson5. submain()ispresentin mainScript.Thefirstscreen mustalwaysbepadStart. Modules NameDescriptionAdditionalNotes ...
In a preface toRed Storm Rising, Clancy notes that he and coauthor Larry Bond (a naval analyst and professional war gamer) "took lots of information from a variety of sources and synthesized it. We tried to come up with a logical overview of where such a war would go." For example, ...
Side Notes PW1 Lead White Acrusite*; Basic Lead Carbonate2; Basic White Lead2; Berlin white; Biacca; Biacca di Venetia; Bly-spat; Body White; Ceruse [NP.p]; Ceruse White [NP.p]; Cerussa; Cerussa Native*; Cerussete; Cerussite1; Cerussite* (Natural Lead White)1 [NP.p]; C.I. ...
(xii) borrow monies from time to time, for the purpose and subject to the limitations stated in Section 4.3C of this Agreement, in the form of recourse or nonrecourse borrowings, or otherwise to draw, make, execute and issue promissory notes and other negotiable or nonnegotiable instruments ...
Notes: 2. Center Contact = Positive 3. Connector is Switchcraft 760 plug or equivalent. 2. For Wall-plug options, choose the applicable letter above. The model will then be fitted only with the receptacle chosen. The North American blade version (B) will be an interchangeable blade. ...